Notice of construction for Niagara Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant

​Work is being done at the Niagara Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 3450 Stanley Avenue in Niagara Falls. This work is required to ensure continuous service in the future and includes: 

  • Construction of new secondary (biological) treatment, including a new moving bed biofilm reactor treatment and aeration blower system and building, and a new chlorine contact tank and channel
  • Upgrades to the grit system, primary clarifiers, secondary clarifiers, chemical system, substation and emergency power systems
  • Demolition of the existing secondary treatment


  • Construction begins: March 2022 
  • Construction ends: June 2024 

Working hours will typically take place Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. In some extenuating circumstances, work may need to occur outside of these typical hours to accommodate scheduling. 

What to expect 

During construction you may experience short-term interruptions along Stanley Avenue for new service connections and equipment deliveries.  You may also experience noise from construction traffic on-site and pile driving required for the new tanks and buildings. 

Niagara Region will take all necessary measures to reduce the noise for nearby properties. 


Business hours 

Ian Trapnell, Site Superintendent
Maple Reinders

Jared Rubinoff, Project Manager
Maple Reinders

Lisa Vespi, Manager, Capital Projects
Niagara Region

Weekends and nights

Ian Trapnell, Site Superintendent
Maple Reinders

Jared Rubinoff, Project Manager
Maple Reinders

Thank you for your patience while we complete these necessary upgrades.​​

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