Port Colborne Water Treatment Plant - 2024 Summary Report

This report summarizes the water flows for the Port Colborne Water Treatment Plant, drinking water system number 220002075, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024.

This report satisfies the requirements of Ontario Regulation 170/03 - Drinking Water Systems.

Inspection rating

The Port Colborne Water Treatment Plant was granted a 100 per cent inspection rating during the 2024 Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks annual drinking water system inspection.

Summary of non-compliance

The Port Colborne Water Treatment Plant was operated in such a way that at no time did it fail to meet or exceed the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, associated regulations, the system's approval or any order that may have been issued for this reporting period.

Summary of water treatment plant flows

The flow rates captured below are moments in time, and can be affected by various circumstances, such as pump changes or valve position. It is not unusual to have higher or lower than normal flows for this reason.

Month Total flow raw (ML) Total flow treated (ML) Average day raw (ML) Average day treated (ML) Minimum day treated (ML) Maximum day treated (ML) Minimum flow rate treated (ML/d) Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) Total waste sludge (ML)
January 300.650 262.270 9.698 8.460 6.260 11.170* 3.723 20.626 0.000***
February 305.800 265.490 10.545 9.155 6.480 11.550** 1.477 19.959 0.000***
March 282.478 256.890 9.112 8.287 6.660 9.670 7.733 20.051 0.000***
April 251.700 232.100 8.390 7.737 6.390 9.110 5.609 21.641 0.000***
May 271.440 247.980 8.756 7.999 6.450 9.440 6.790 18.482 0.000***
June 265.860 240.650 8.862 8.022 6.260 9.240 7.497 17.456 508.036
July 270.070 248.070 8.712 8.002 6.010 9.580 7.979 17.405 3.268
August 265.330 241.940 8.559 7.805 5.820 9.300 7.456 18.287 5.288
September 244.030 228.030 8.134 7.601 5.304 9.035 8.062 16.051 2.323
October 235.335 225.211 7.591 7.265 5.406 8.750 2.399 26.713 1.826
November 233.135 220.509 7.771 7.350 5.810 8.680 7.856 15.744 1.764
December 280.100 267.690 9.035 8.635 6.320 10.350 3.465 18.974 2.045

*Jan. 27: Main break on Elm Street caused system water loss.
**Feb. 1: Vehicular accident in the Welland Canal shut down the plant causing a water loss during that time.
***Total waste sludge sensor was offline from January to May for recalibration.

Flow totals

  • Total flow raw was 3,033.810 ML
  • Total flow treated was 2,735.980 ML
  • Total waste sludge was 10.978 ML


  • Minimum day treated was 4.790 ML
  • Minimum flow rate treated was 3.495 ML
  • Total waste sludge minimum was 0 ML


  • Maximum day treated was 11.550 ML
  • Total waste sludge maximum was 10.978 ML


  • Total average day raw was 8.313 ML
  • Total average day treated was 7.499 ML
  • Total waste sludge average was 0.915 ML

Comparison of actual to system approved flow

Flow rates are required by Municipal Drinking Water Licence number 007-101.

Maximum daily flow: 36.000 ML
Maximum flow rate: 36.000 ML/day

Month Average day treated (ML) Per cent of average day treated rated capacity Maximum day treated (ML) Per cent of maximum day treated rated capacity Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) Per cent of maximum flow rate rated capacity
January 8.460 23.50% 11.170 31.02% 20.626 57.27%
February 9.155 25.41% 11.550 32.04% 19.959 55.41%
March 8.287 23.00% 9.670 26.86% 20.051 55.69%
April 7.737 21.47% 9.110 24.30% 21.641 60.11%
May 7.999 22.19% 9.440 26.22% 18.482 51.33%
June 8.022 22.20% 9.240 25.66% 17.456 48.47%
July 8.002 22.22% 9.580 26.61% 17.405 48.33%
August 7.805 21.66% 9.300 25.83% 18.287 50.77%
September 7.601 21.11% 9.035 25.08% 16.051 44.58%
October 7.265 20.16% 8.750 24.30% 26.713 72.25%
November 7.350 20.41% 8.680 24.11% 15.744 43.72%
December 8.635 23.97% 10.350 28.75% 18.974 52.69%
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