Decew Falls Water Treatment Plant - 2023 Summary Report
This report summarizes the water flows for the Decew Falls Water Treatment Plant, drinking water system number 220002066, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023.
This report satisfies the requirements of Ontario Regulation 170/03 - Drinking Water Systems.
Inspection rating
The Decew Falls Water Treatment Plant was granted a 100 per cent inspection rating during the 2023 Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks annual drinking water system inspection.
Summary of non-compliance
The following instance of non-compliance was noted during the inspection: Administrative- non-compliance.
Event details
Section 3.2 of the 2020 Watermain Disinfection Procedure requires that the documentation, when using continuous disinfection method, includes the decreases in chlorine concentration after contact time in mg/L and in percentage for each sampling point. Although the Region's form specified the limits for the chlorine concentration decreases to ensure adequate disinfection, the individual decreases in concentrations for the two Form 1 projects were not written down on the forms or any other records.
Corrective actions
By June 30, the Region shall arrange to submit the following to a Water Inspector of the Ministry's Niagara District Office: An updated watermain commissioning form which include all the documentation required in Section 3.1 of the Watermain Disinfection Procedure, including at a minimum, columns for decrease in chlorine concentrations in mg/L and in percentage, and a list of the personnel who were trained on the updated watermain commissioning form.
Summary of water treatment plant flows
The flow rates captured below are moments in time, and can be affected by various circumstances, such as pump changes or valve position. It is not unusual to have higher or lower than normal flows for this reason.
Month | Total flow raw (ML) | Total flow treated (ML) | Average day raw (ML) | Average day treated (ML) | Minimum day treated (ML) | Maximum day treated (ML) | Minimum flow rate treated (ML/d) | Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) | Total waste sludge (ML) |
Jan. | 1717.153 | 1482.358 | 55.392 | 47.818 | 45.032 | 52.456 | 25.545 | 100.080 | 0.650 |
Feb. | 1534.722 | 1314.136 | 54.812 | 46.933 | 44.454 | 50.353 | 26.964 | 94.302 | 6.157 |
March | 1683.987 | 1462.044 | 54.322 | 47.163 | 44.500 | 50.714 | 24.740 | 86.363 | 4.943 |
April | 1619.902 | 1428.135 | 53.997 | 47.605 | 44.991 | 52.034 | 18.150 | 74.638 | 3.122 |
May | 1926.901 | 1703.873 | 62.158 | 54.964 | 46.689 | 70.611 | 22.229 | 86.820 | 0.737 |
June | 2089.383 | 1841.016 | 69.646 | 61.367 | 53.102 | 73.327 | 37.576 | 90.956 | 6.070 |
July | 2131.567 | 1869.602 | 68.760 | 60.310 | 52.653 | 72.679 | 35.697 | 88.016 | 0.731 |
Aug. | 2031.898 | 1727.655 | 65.545 | 55.731 | 50.091 | 60.930 | 26.271 | 76.230 | 0.434 |
Sept. | 2018.998 | 1733.258 | 67.300 | 57.775 | 49.145 | 69.715 | 18.365 | 92.992 | 0.650 |
Oct. | 1819.948 | 1586.257 | 58.708 | 51.170 | 45.761 | 61.847 | 28.368 | 79.846 | 4.379 |
Nov. | 1665.754 | 1474.804 | 55.525 | 49.160 | 45.885 | 54.266 | 23.629 | 72.338 | 3.209 |
Dec. | 1838.049 | 1659.419 | 59.292 | 53.530 | 51.020 | 55.719 | 26.058 | 75.194 | 2.948 |
The flow rates are moments in time, and can be affected by various circumstances, such as pump changes or valve position and therefore not unusual to have higher or lower than normal flows.
Flow totals
- Total flow raw was 22,078.262 ML
- Total flow treated was 19,282.557 ML
- Total waste sludge was 34.032 ML
- Minimum day treated was 44.454 ML
- Minimum flow rate treated was 18.150 ML
- Total waste sludge minimum was 0.434 ML
- Maximum day treated was 73.327 ML
- Maximum flow rate treated was 100.080 ML
- Total waste sludge maximum was 6.157 ML
- Total average day raw was 60.455 ML
- Total average day treated was 52.794 ML
- Total waste sludge average was 2.836 ML
Comparison of actual to system approved flow
Flow rates are required by Municipal Drinking Water Licence number 007-102.
Maximum daily flow: 227.300 ML
Maximum flow rate: 227.300 ML/day
Month | Average day treated (ML) | Per cent of average day treated rated capacity | Maximum day treated (ML) | Per cent of maximum day treated rated capacity | Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) | Per cent of maximum flow rate rated capacity |
Jan. | 47.818 | 21.0% | 52.456 | 23.0% | 100.080 | 44.0% |
Feb. | 46.933 | 20.6% | 50.353 | 22.1% | 94.302 | 41.4% |
March | 47.163 | 20.7% | 50.714 | 22.8% | 86.363 | 36.3% |
April | 47.605 | 20.9% | 52.034 | 21.33% | 74.638 | 32.8% |
May | 54.964 | 24.1% | 70.611 | 31.0% | 86.820 | 38.1% |
June | 61.367 | 26.9% | 73.327 | 32.2% | 90.956 | 40.0% |
July | 60.310 | 26.5% | 72.679 | 31.9% | 88.016 | 39.1% |
Aug. | 55.731 | 24.5% | 60.930 | 26.8% | 76.230 | 33.5% |
Sept. | 57.775 | 25.4% | 69.715 | 30.6% | 92.992 | 40.9% |
Oct. | 51.170 | 22.5% | 61.847 | 27.2% | 79.846 | 35.1% |
Nov. | 49.160 | 21.6% | 54.266 | 23.8% | 72.338 | 31.8% |
Dec. | 53.530 | 23.5% | 55.719 | 24.5% | 75.194 | 33.0% |