School Vaccinations for Grade 7 Students

Free vaccinations

Vaccinations are offered in grade 7 to give your child the earliest protection from some serious diseases.

If your child has been previously immunized with any of these vaccines, report your child’s vaccinations to Public Health using Immunization Connect.

Types of vaccinations

All students in grade 7 can get free vaccinations for:

  • Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is a virus that affects the liver and can cause permanent damage. It's spread through blood and body fluids, which can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

    Hepatitis B vaccine

    The Hepatitis B vaccine requires two doses that are typically given six months apart and is received between the ages 11 and 15.

    Immunocompromised individuals may need a three-dose series

    Twinrix® vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine

    Once a Twinrix® vaccine series is started, it's recommended to complete the series with this combined vaccine. Your child may be up-to-date or need one-two dose(s) to complete the vaccine series.

    To confirm the vaccine series is complete, contact the health care provider who administered the vaccine. Niagara Region Public Health will not routinely provide hepatitis B vaccine to complete a Twinrix® or Twinrix Jr.® vaccine series.

  • Meningococcal disease (Meningitis) - Immunization of School Pupils Act requirement

    Meningococcal disease can be caused by a bacteria that lives in the back of the nose and throat that can lead to infections of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. This can cause brain damage, blood poisoning and sometimes death within 24-48 hours.

    As per the Immunization of School Pupils Act, all children attending school in Ontario are legally required to be immunized against meningococcal disease, unless an education session is completed and a notarized exemption form is provided to Public Health; or a notarized exemption form is already on file at Public Health.

    Meningococcal vaccine

    The Meningococcal ACYW-135 vaccine is a single dose vaccine that protects your child against four groups of the bacteria (A, C, Y and W-135). It's a different meningitis vaccine than what is given at one year of age.

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

    HPV is a family of viruses that can affect all people through skin-to-skin contact. The more serious types cause a variety of cancers, such as cervical, anal, genital, mouth and throat as well as genital warts. Most people with HPV have no symptoms, but can infect others.

    HPV vaccine

    The HPV vaccine requires two doses typically given six months apart to protect your child against nine strains of HPV (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58).

    Immunocompromised individuals may require a three-dose series.

    Watch Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic trailer.

Vaccination consent form

All parents and legal guardians are asked to complete the grade 7 vaccination consent form. This includes those who:

  • Want their child to receive all of the vaccines
  • Want their child to receive some of the vaccines
  • Do not want their child to receive any of the vaccines

If you have questions or need help completing the consent form, call 905-688-8248 or 1-888-505-6074 ext. 7425.

Complete the vaccination consent form

Online booking and eligibility for missed grade 7 vaccines

Students in high school who missed their opportunity to receive the grade 7 vaccines are still eligible for any missed doses.

If you recently graduated high school and you are missing grade 7 vaccines, you may still be eligible to receive these vaccines free of charge. Students who live and / or attend school in Niagara can book an appointment if:

  • They missed their grade 7 school immunization clinic day or
  • Their school does not offer grade 7 vaccines or
  • They need to catch up (in grade 8-12B or recently graduated high school)

Contact the vaccine team if you have more questions about vaccine eligibility.

Book an appointment at a Public Health community clinic.

You can also call 905-688-8248 ext. 7425, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. to book an appointment for missed grade 7 vaccines.

More information

  • Vaccine ingredients

    The brand of vaccine products available may vary depending on availability.

    Hepatitis B vaccines

    Recombivax HB® vaccine ingredients

    • Aluminum - found in vegetables, deodorant
    • Sodium chloride - found in human body, table salt
    • Sodium borate - found in water, soil
    • Formaldehyde - found in human body, fruits, fish
    • Yeast - found in breads, pizza
    • Latex (found in packaging) - found in balloons, gloves

    Engerix® - B vaccine ingredients

    • Aluminum - found in vegetables, deodorant
    • Thimerosa (dependent on use of multi-dose product) - found in cosmetics
    • Yeast - found in breads, pizza
    • Disodium phosphate dehydrate - found in canned sauce, cereal, pasta
    • Sodium chloride - found in human body, table salt

    Meningococcal vaccines

    Menactra® vaccine ingredients

    • Diphtheria toxoid - found in other vaccines, such as Pediacel, Adacel, Boostrix
    • Sodium chloride - found in human body, table salt
    • Sodium phosphate - found in laxatives

    Nimenrix® - B vaccine ingredients

    • Sucrose - found in fruit, vegetables, cereal
    • Trometamol - found in contrast media, other vaccines
    • Sodium chloride - found in human body, table salt
    • Tetanus toxoid - found in other vaccines

    HPV vaccine


    • Yeast - found in breads, pizza
    • Sodium chloride - found in human body, table salt
    • Aluminum - found in vegetables, deodorant
    • L-Histidine - found in human body, beans, meat, fish, eggs, milk
    • Polysorbate 80 - found in ice cream, cottage cheese, eye drops
    • Sodium borate - found in water, soil
  • Before vaccination

    Prepare your child for school vaccinations by talking to your child about:

    • Any vaccine education received
    • How vaccination will feel. For example, there might be a pinch, some pushing or pressure, but only for a few seconds.
    • How your child can increase comfort using The CARD™ System

    Tips for your child on vaccination day:

    • Make sure your child eats something before vaccination
    • Have your child wear a short sleeve shirt so the upper arm can be reached easily
    • Encourage your child to be calm and positive, and to help other children who might be nervous
  • After vaccination
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