Baby, Children and Youth Vaccinations

Reporting an up-to-date immunization record or valid exemption is required by law in Ontario for children attending licensed child care or school.

  • Protect your child's future

    As you make your decision, remember that vaccine preventable diseases can have severe impact - they can make even a previously healthy child very sick.

    Childhood vaccines have been around for decades and have been proven to protect children from diseases.

    Many of these diseases can result in serious complications, some may be permanent. For example, polio infection can cause paralysis and mumps can lead to deafness.

    Vaccines help keep all children safe, protecting their long-term health and well-being.

  • Protect others

    Most people can get vaccinated.

    Some people in our community are unable to get vaccine(s) because they are too young, have a medical condition or severe allergy.

    These people may be our family, friends, neighbours, classmates or coworkers. They are counting on the rest of us to protect them from vaccine preventable diseases.

  • Making the decision with your child

    Parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss vaccination with their child. Look for trustworthy information to help you make informed decisions.

    If you are uncertain, have concerns or just want to learn more, you can:

    Learn more about when a person is capable of giving consent to vaccination under the Health Care Consent Act.

Getting vaccinated

Your child's vaccines are based on a routine schedule  starting at two months of age.

When following the routine schedule, timing matters. It's designed to protect your child when they are most at risk for those diseases. A delay or gap leaves your child at high risk of infection.

The schedule gives optimal age ranges for your child to receive a vaccine. For example, the adolescent Tdap (tetanus / diphtheria / pertussis) booster is indicated between 14 to 16 years of age.

This means if they get their four to six year booster at four years of age, they become due for their adolescent booster 10 years later at 14 years of age. If you have any questions, contact our Vaccine Team.

Find out:

Reporting vaccination information to Public Health for children 0 to 17 years

Every time your child receives a vaccine, it must be reported to Public Health.

Doctors, child care facilities and schools don't do this for you.

Learn how to report vaccine(s) received, including the benefits to children and their families.

Learn how to protect your unvaccinated child and how to get an exemption applied to your child's immunization record.

Checking immunization records

To see if your child has the vaccinations they need to attend child care or school, you can:

Babies under six months of age

Cocooning is an easy way to prevent babies younger than six months old from getting sick from the people around them. This can be from parents, siblings and grandparents.

When everyone in your baby's circle is up-to-date on their vaccinations, they are less likely to spread infections to your baby. They create a "cocoon" of protection, keeping your little one safe from serious diseases such as pertussis (whooping cough), the flu and other respiratory illnesses.

Children two months to three years of age

Learn when to get vaccines for your baby or toddler.

Children in child care

By law in Ontario, Public Health must have an up-to-date immunization record or valid exemption on file for each child attending a licensed child care centre or licensed home child care agency (Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014).  

School age children

By law in Ontario, Public Health must have an up-to-date immunization record or valid exemption on file for each child attending school (Immunization of School Pupils Act). This law is important to protect our community from diseases.

Niagara Region Public Health will review immunization records and exemptions for all school age children starting Fall 2024. You will not be contacted if Public Health has complete vaccination information on file for your child.

  • Kindergarten registrants and students new to Ontario

    Public Health doesn't require schools to collect and submit student vaccination records.

    Parents and legal guardians of junior and senior kindergarten registrants and students new to Ontario are asked to report their vaccinations to Public Health using Immunization Connect.

  • Grade 7 vaccinations
  • Immunization datasets by school

    Data is available for measles, mumps, rubella immunization, and diphtheria, tetanus and polio.

    Search for immunization coverage and exemption rates by school.

  • Health Care Consent Act

    In Ontario, the Health Care Consent Act sets out certain rules on when consent is needed for treatment and how it must be obtained.

    Vaccination is considered a treatment and requires consent.

    The consent must:

    • Relate to the treatment being proposed
    • Be informed
    • Be voluntary and not have been obtained through misrepresentation or fraud

    Individuals who can give consent

    A person is capable of giving consent to vaccination if they both:

    • Understand the information that's important to making a decision concerning vaccination
    • Understand the consequences of a decision or lack of a decision

    Informed consent

    Consent is informed if before giving it, the person both:

    • Received information about the proposed treatment in the manner that any person in the same circumstances would require in order to make a decision
    • Received answers to their request for additional information about the proposed treatment.

    For more information, contact our Vaccine Team.

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