Corporate Services
These services, along with effective planning and strategy work to improve our everyday lives and greater prosperity for Niagara.
Construction, Energy and Facilities Management
Construction, Energy and Facilities Management oversees projects and asset management, energy management and facilities operation. This division:
- Oversees new construction, renovations, accommodations projects, capital budgeting and asset management for Regionally-owned facilities
- Develops the Region's energy strategy and plan, energy audits, feasibility studies and regulatory compliance
- Identifies energy conservation opportunities and promotes the efficient use of energy
- Manages contract administration, building repairs, maintenance and improvements
905-980-6000 ext. 3496 -
Financial Management and Planning
Financial Management and Planning provides financial support, strategy and policies for the corporation, including:
- Financial reporting and analysis for internal and external stakeholders
- Annual year-end audits and financial statement preparation
- Consolidated operating and capital budgets, levy and utility rates
- Long-term financial strategies and policies
- Corporate payments, invoicing and collection services
- Support for the Region's Enterprise Resource Planning System
- Debt and investment management
905-980-6000 ext. 3528
Email Financial Management and Planning -
I.T. Solutions
I.T. Solutions plans, builds, secures and sustains the enterprise architecture required to support all software applications, computer equipment and telecommunications networks used to support municipal service delivery. The division also investigates, develops and implements new applications and technology to create efficiencies and service enhancements. Services include:
- Consultation, project management and process design
- Application and web development
- Geographic information systems
- Network, server, desktop and telecom support
- Disaster recovery planning
- Data centre hosting
905-980-6000 ext. 3528
Email I.T. Solutions -
Legal and Court Services
Legal and Court Services provides a broad scope of advice and support to, and on behalf of Niagara Region, including:
- Legal support in matter such as real estate, contracts and litigation
- Advice, opinions and information on risk and insurance
- Handling of insurable and non-insurable claims
- Administration of Provincial Offences Courts
- Prosecution of certain provincial offence matters and fine processing / collection services
Legal Services is not able to provide assistance to the public.
Contact Legal Services
905-980-6000 ext. 3416
Email Legal ServicesContact Court Services
905-980-6000 ext. 1629
Email Court Services -
Procurement Services
Procurement Services oversees the following key functions:
- Management of all formal procurement processes to support operational needs, ensuring compliance with trade agreements, the Municipal Act and Procurement By-law. Procurement operates within the principles of managing a fair, open and transparent public procurement process ensuring fairness between bidders.
- Overall management and strategic direction of the Region's sourcing initiatives, EFMS / PeopleSoft management and alternative service delivery projects for internal departments and shared services partners
905-980-6000 ext. 3655
Email Procurement Services
Dan Carnegie
ext. 3218
Email Dan Carnegie