Regional Official Plan Amendments
Bill 23 changes to Niagara Region's role in land use planning: As of March 31, 2025, the Niagara Official Plan is no longer a Regional Plan. It is now an official plan of the 12 local municipalities in Niagara. To propose amendments to the Niagara Official Plan, contact the applicable local municipality.
2022 Niagara Official Plan amendments
- ROPA 1 - Proposed new sanitary sewer, Niagara-on-the-Lake
Status: Approved
Applicant: Stone Eagle Property Corporation
Purpose of the amendment
The purpose of the application is to permit the connection of an agricultural related use (winery) to a local sanitary sewer. The connection is for the proposed Stone Eagle Estate Winery at the northwest corner of Niven Road and Niagara Stone Road in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
- ROPA 2 - Regional Road allowance widths
Status: Approved
Applicant: Region-initiated amendment
Purpose of the amendment
The purpose of the amendment is to update the road allowance widths listed in Schedule M of the Niagara Official Plan, and to add a new policy allowing right-of-ways to be updated based on an approved Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.
- ROPA 3 - Proposed Port Colborne Quarry - Pit 3 expansion
Status: Approved
Applicant: Port Colborne Quarries Inc.
Purpose of the amendment
The purpose of the proposed amendment is to allow the expansion of the existing Port Colborne Quarry onto lands to the east of the existing Pit 3. The lands subject to the amendment are legally described as Part Lot 17, 18, 19, Concession 2, and located on the north side of Main Street East / Highway 3, south of Second Concession Road and west of Miller Road.
The applicant has also requested amendments to the City of Port Colborne Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit this use.
Submission materials
- See a list of the material submitted in support of the application
- Contact Regional planning staff to obtain a copy of any of the submissions material
Reports to Regional Council
To date, the following reports have been presented to Regional Council:
- Proposed Pit 3 Extension - Port Colborne Quarries
- Update on Port Colborne Quarry - Proposed Pit 3 Extension
- Initiation Report for Port Colborne Quarry Regional Official Plan Amendment 3
- Regional Official Plan Amendment Application - Port Colborne Quarries, Proposed Expansion of Pit 3
- Staff Recomendation Report - Port Colborne Quarries, Proposed Expansion of Pit 3
Public open house
Review questions and responses provided at the virtual open house on Sept. 9, 2021.
Statutory public meeting
Joint Agency Review Team
Niagara Region, Port Colborne and Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority established a Joint Agency Review Team to coordinate the agency review process for the Port Colborne Quarries applications. The team worked together with the technical peer review consultants to review and consider all matters related to the Port Colborne Quarries applications.
The team does not make a recommendation on the applications. Rather, they provide a central point of contact for the review and issue a report once the review process is complete.
Review the Joint Agency Review Team Report and Joint Agency Review Team Report Appendices to see the application overview, technical review process summary, key identified issues and the public and stakeholder consultation process.
- ROPA 4 - Proposed Law Quarry expansion, Wainfleet
Status: Approved
Applicant: Waterford Sand and Gravel Ltd.
Purpose of the amendment
The purpose of the application is to expand the existing Law Crushed Stone Quarry in Wainfleet.
The amendment affects lands legally described as Part of Lots 6 and 7, Concession 2 and Part of Road Allowance between Lots 5 and 6, Concession 2, Township of Wainfleet, Region of Niagara. The lands are generally north of Highway 3 between Graybiel Road and Biederman Road.
The applicant has also requested amendments to the Township of Wainfleet Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit this use. These amendments are also under review by the Township of Wainfleet.
Joint Agency Review Team
Niagara Region, Township of Wainfleet and Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority established a Joint Agency Review Team to coordinate the agency review process for the proposed law quarry extension applications. The team worked with the aggregate advisor and technical peer review consultants to review and consider all matters related to the applications.
The team acts as a central point of contact for the review and issues a report once the review process is complete. The team does not make recommendations on the applications.
To see the application overview, technical review process summary, key issues, and the public and stakeholder consultation process, review the Joint Agency Team Report.
List of documents submitted
- 1. Level 1 and 2 Water Report
- 2. Maximum Predicted Water Table Report
- 3. Submission Cover Letter
- 4. Planning Justification and Aggregate Resources Act Sum Statement
- 5. Region of Niagara Official Plan Amendment Application Form
- 6. Township of Wainfleet Official Plan Amendment Application Form
- 7. Township of Wainfleet Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Form
- 8. Consultation Summary and Strategy
- 9. Aggregate Resources Act Site Plan Drawings (1-5)
- 10. Natural Environment Level 1 and 2
- 11. Scoped Agricultural Impact Assessment
- 12. Noise Impact Study
- 13. Air Quality Assessment
- 14. Blasting Impact Assessment
- 15. Blasting Impact Assessment - Appendices
- 16. Traffic Impact Study
- 17. Financial Impact Assessment
- 29. Letter - Commitment to Avoidance and Protection
- 30. Letter - Interim Protection of Archaeological Sites
- 31. Cultural Heritage Evaluation
- 32. Comprehensive Joint Agency Review Team Response Cover Letter
- 33. Planning Justification Report and Aggregate Resources Act Response Matrix
- 34. Planning Justification Report Addendum
- 35. Updated Aggregate Resources Act Site Plan
- 36. Water Study Response Letter
- 37. Natural Environment Response Table
- 38. Revised Natural Environment Report
- 39. Noise Study Response Letter
- 40. Updated Noise Impact Study
- 41. Air Quality Response Letter
- 42. Air Quality - Updated Figure 1
- 43. Air Quality Updated Table 5 - Phases 3 and 4
- 44. Blasting Response
- 45. Updated Draft Blasting Impact Assessment
- 46. Financial Impact Assessment Response Letter
- 47. Updated Financial Impact Assessment
- 48. Response to Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
- 49. WSP Response to Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Comments
- 50. Email from Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to MHBC
- 51. Email from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to MHBC
- 52. Third Submission Cover Letter
- 53. Site Plan Response Letter
- 54. Revised Site Plans
- 55. Supplemental Water Study Report
- 56. Response Matrix
- 57. Revised Natural Environment Report
- 58. Noice Study Response Letter
- 59. Air Quality Response Letter
- 60. Revised Air Quality Statement
- 61. Financial Impact Assessment Response Letter 2
- 62. Revised Financial Impact Assessment
- 63. Final Blast Impact Assessment
- 64. Final Blast Impact Assessment Appendices
- 70. Cover Letter to Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, MHBC
- 71. Revised Aggregate Resources Act Site Plans
Documents 18-28 and 65-69 are related to the archaeological assessments that were completed in support of the application. Email Planning and Development to review these documents.
These documents are designed with accessible features outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 standards. However, parts of the documents may not be easy to use for people with limited vision, blindness, or mobility issues that make it hard to use a mouse. It also has some features that might not work well for everyone. If you need a document in a more accessible format or help understanding it, contact us.
2014 Consolidated Regional Official Plan amendments
File Number ROPA 21-0003 - Proposed Upper's Quarry, Niagara Falls
Status: Appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal on the basis of Regional Council's failure to make a decision on the ROPA application
Applicant: Walker Aggregates Inc.
Purpose of the amendment
The purpose of the application is to establish a new quarry on lands located along the western boundary of Niagara Falls, between Thorold Townline Road and Beechwood Road, north of a Hydro One corridor. The lands subject to the amendment are legally described as Part of Lots 119, 120, 136 and 137, City of Niagara Falls.
The applicant has also requested amendments to the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit this use, as well as processing of materials from the site, processing of recycled aggregate material, concrete or asphalt mixing plant and accessory buildings and structures. These amendments are also under review by the City of Niagara Falls.
Online public open house
An online open house was hosted by Niagara Region and the City of Niagara Falls planning staff on March 23, 2022 to allow members of the public to ask questions on the proposed amendments. See the proposed Upper's Quarry presentation.
Walker Aggregates and their consulting team were invited to the open house to help answer technical questions on their application. A matrix was prepared to respond to questions that were not answered live during the session. See the Upper's Quarry response matrix.
Statutory public meeting
Under the requirements of the Planning Act a Statutory Public Meeting for the ROPA application was held at the Region's Planning and Economic Development Committee on Oct. 11, 2023.
The purpose of the public meeting was for Regional Council to hear public comments and other input related to the proposed ROPA. Notice of the Upper's Quarry public meeting was provided under the requirements of the Planning Act. Planning staff gave a presentation of the Upper's Quarry and prepared the Upper's Quarry meeting report. Minutes for the Upper's Quarry public meeting were prepared following the meeting.
Joint Agency Review Team
Niagara Region, the City of Niagara Falls and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority established a Joint Agency Review Team to coordinate the agency review process for the proposed Uppers Quarry applications. The team worked together with an aggregate advisor and the third party technical peer review consultants to review and consider all matters related to the Uppers Quarry applications.
The Joint Agency Review Team does not make a recommendation on the applications. Rather, the Joint Agency Review Team provides a central point of contact for the review and issue a report once the review process is complete.
Review the Joint Agency Review Team Upper's Quarry Report, Upper's Quarry Appendices A-G and Upper's Quarry Appendix H to see the application overview, technical review process summary, key identified issues and the public and stakeholder consultation process.
Plain language summaries
The reports for the application contain complex information and technical language that might be difficult to understand.
To help with understanding this information, the consultants hired by the Joint Agency Review Team created three 'plain language summary' documents. These summaries explain the standards, methods, conclusions, recommendations and suggested solutions for each area in simple terms. See the Air Quality Plain Language Report, Noise Plain Language Report and Blasting Plain Language Report.
List of documents submitted
- 1. Cover Letter to Niagara Region
- 2. Cover Letter to Niagara Falls
- 3. Cover Letter to Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
- 4. Cover Letter to Thorold
- 5. Completed Application to Amend the Regional Official Plan
- 6. Completed City of Niagara Falls Application Form
- 7. Planning Justification Report
- 8. Aggregate Resources Act Site Plan Drawings
- 9. Alternative Site Analysis
- 10. Level 2 Water Study Report
- 11. Maximum Predicted Water Table Report
- 12. Level 1 and 2 Natural Environment Report
- 13. Agricultural Impact Assessment
- 14. Acoustic Assessment Report
- 15. Air Quality Assessment
- 16. Blasting Impact Assessment
- 17. Traffic Impact Study
- 18. Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment
- 19. Visual Impact Assessment
- 20. Economic Benefits Analysis
- 28. Cover Letter for February 2022 Updates
- 29. Updated Aggregate Resources Act Site Plans - Redlined
- 30. Updated Aggregate Resources Act Site Plans - Signed
- 31. Updated Level 1 and 2 Water Study Report
- 32. Updated Maximum Predicted Water Table Report
- 33. Environmental Impact Statement of Qualifications
- 34. Cultural Heritage Report Checklist
- 35. Natural Environment Information Request
- 36. Second Submission Cover Letter to the Joint Agency Review Team
- 37. The Joint Agency Review Team Comment Response Matrix
- 38. Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Comment Response Matrix
- 39. Updated Aggregate Resources Act Site Plans
- 40. Updated Site Plan Notes
- 41. Update Planning Justification Report
- 42. Updated Alternative Site Analysis
- 43. Updated Air Quality Assessment
- 44. Updated Acoustic Assessment
- 45. Updated Blast Impact Assessment
- 46. Updated Natural Environment Report Level 1 and 2
- 47. Response to the Joint Agency Review Team's Hydrogeology Comments
- 48. Updated Economic Benefits Study
- 49. Traffic Impact Study Addendum
- 50. Visual Impact Addendum Letter
- 51. 3rd Submission Cover Letter to the Joint Agency Review Team
- 52. 3rd Submission Response Matricies (1-16)
- 53. Updated Aggregate Resources Act Site Plans
- 54. Updated Planning Justification Report
- 55. Updated Alternative Site Analysis
- 56. Updated Air Quality Assessment
- 57. Updated Acoustic Assessment
- 58. Updated Blasting Impact Assessment
- 59. Updated Natural Environment Report
- 60. Updated Visual Impact Study
- 61. Updated Economic Benefits Analysis
- 62. Headwater Drainage Field Notes, Stantec
- 63. Hydrology Site Plan Notes, WSP
- 64. Email about Species at Risk and Information Gathering Form, MHBC
- 65. Cover Letter about JART Natural Environment Resubmission
- 66. Comment Response Matrix
- 67. Updated ARA Site Plans
- 68. Updated Site Plan Notes
- 69. Updated Uppers Environmental Impact Study
- 70. Letter about Beaver and Heron
Documents 21-27 relate to the archaeological assessments done for the application. Email Planning and Development to review them.
These documents are designed with accessible features outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 standards. However, parts of the documents may not be easy to use for people with limited vision, blindness, or mobility issues that make it hard to use a mouse. It also has some features that might not work well for everyone. If you need a document in a more accessible format or help understanding it, contact us.
- File number ROPA 22-0002 - Proposed redesignation of unique agricultural lands, 502 Winston Rd., Grimsby
Status: Under review
Applicant: 502 Winston Road Inc.
Purpose of the amendment
The purpose of the application is to redesignate the subject lands from unique agricultural area to rural area.
The lands are located at the northeast corner of Hunter Road and Winston Road, municipally addressed as 502 Winston Rd., and legally described as Part of Lot 19 in Broken Front Concession, North Grimsby, Part 9 and 10 in 30R3352 save and except Part 1 in 30R14773, subject to an easement in gross over Part of Lot 19 of Broken Front Concession designated at Part 1 on 30R14772 as in NR421363 in Grimsby.
The applicant has submitted the following information in support of the proposed amendment:
- Application Regional Official Plan Amendment
- Cover Letter
- Planning Justification Report
- Draft Regional Official Plan Amendment
- Agricultural Impact Assessment
The applicant has also submitted an application to the Town of Grimsby for an amendment to their Official Plan (Town File No. 26OP-16-2202) to redesignate a portion of the subject lands from specialty crop area - tender fruits and grape lands to rural area. The existing natural hazard overlay and environmental protection area designation is to be maintained. The town will be processing the proposed Official Plan Amendment concurrent to the Regional Official Plan Amendment application.
Statutory public meeting
Previous amendments listed within Appendix A of the Regional Official Plan have been incorporated as necessary into the 2022 Niagara Official Plan.