Regional Official Plan Amendments

There is a formal process under the Planning Act that allows requests to amend an official plan. The request follows a formal review process and is known as a Regional Official Plan Amendment or ROPA.

Once an amendment is approved and takes effect, it becomes part of the Official Plan.

Amendments are incorporated into the next office consolidation of the Niagara Official Plan for information purposes.

Once an amendment to the plan is approved, it is part of the official plan.

The Regional Official Plan may be reviewed and amended when:

  • The Ontario Planning Act requires municipal official plans to undergo a comprehensive review every five years to ensure they conform with provincial policy
  • Provincial policies are introduced that require municipalities to review their official plans by certain deadlines
  • An individual or business applicant applies for an amendment to the official plan
  • Niagara Region must update policies, schedules and mapping


To propose an amendment to the Niagara Official Plan or for more information, contact:

Growth Strategy and Economic Development
Niagara Region
Email Growth Strategy and Economic Development

2022 Niagara Official Plan amendments

2014 Consolidated Regional Official Plan amendments

Previous amendments listed within Appendix A of the Regional Official Plan have been incorporated as necessary into the 2022 Niagara Official Plan.

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