Fees for Freedom of Information Requests

All fees can be paid in person by cash, cheque or money order. Make cheques / money orders out to: The Regional Municipality of Niagara

In cases where the information requested is voluminous or complex, an estimate will be provided if the cost exceeds $100. Costs under $100 will be due when you receive your request.

Personal Information Requests
Item Fee Details
Application Fee $5 The application fee is mandatory, not subject to waiver and must be paid when application is submitted
Photocopying $0.20 / page Requestor's copy only
Computer Programming $60 / hour If there is a need to develop a program to retrieve the information
Diskettes/CD’s $10 each  

Fees for Requests of General Records
Item Fee Details
Application Fee $5 The application fee is mandatory, not subject to waiver and must be paid when application is submitted
Search Time $7.50 / hour If required to search for records
Record Preparation $7.50 / hour If required to sever, or to prepare records for release
Photocopying $0.20 / page Requestor’s copy only
Computer Programming $60 / hour If there is a need to develop a program to retrieve the information
Diskettes/CD’s $10 each  

Fees are determined by the Province's Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Urgent Requests

A note can be written on the request form that records are urgently needed.

In many cases it will be possible to provide a response before the standard 30 day time frame, but it cannot be guaranteed. There is no formal procedure to expedite a request.

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