Cheryl Ganann

West Lincoln

For more information, and data from all councillors,

Data Preview

Account DescriptionAmountExpense DescriptionJournal DateSupplierVoucher Description
Cell phone$107.36October 202411/6/2024  
Mileage Reimburs-Admin$36.75Committee of the Whole, September 12, 202410/2/2024  
Mileage Reimburs-Admin$36.75Regional Council, September 26, 202410/2/2024  
Cell phone$107.36August 20249/10/2024  
Mileage Reimburs-Admin$36.75Budget Education Workshop, August 15, 20249/10/2024  
Mileage Reimburs-Admin$36.75Planning and Economic Development Committee, August 14, 20249/10/2024  
Cell phone$120.99July 20247/30/2024  
Mileage Reimburs-Admin$36.75Regional Council Meeting, June 27, 20247/8/2024  
Cell phone$107.36June 20247/8/2024  
Mileage Reimburs-Admin$36.75Special Regional Council, May 23, 20246/17/2024  

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