Growing Better Together: Council Strategic Priorities 2023-2026

Project status

86 per cent of identified projects supporting the four strategic priorities are in progress

The Council Strategic Priorities create a link between Niagara's population growth and the financial, social, economic and environmental requirements for building a sustainable future.

The priorities outline our vision, mission and guiding principles, and identify the strategic priorities, objectives and key actions staff will focus on to support our community needs, today and into the future.

  • Vision: Modern communities growing better together.
  • Mission: Niagara Region delivers service excellence through collaborative and innovative leadership.

By using the Council Strategic Priorities as our map and the strategic priorities operational teams as our guides, we can deliver service excellence through collaborative and innovative leadership.

In short, we can grow better together.

Strategic lenses

Every action under the plan is guided by four strategic lenses:

  • Diversity, equity, inclusion and Indigenous reconciliation
  • Innovation
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Sustainability and climate change

We use these lenses when making decisions on projects, programs and services such as:

  • Purchasing supplies
  • Hiring staff / vendors / contractors
  • Interacting with the public
  • Planning projects
  • Executing services

Priority: Effective Region

To boost efficiency in Regional services.

  • Objectives and actions


    • 1.1 Implement continuous improvement and modernized processes to ensure value-for-money in Regional services and programs
    • 1.2 Explore and implement opportunities to improve service delivery outcomes through shared services
    • 1.3 Deliver fiscally responsible and sustainable core services
    • 1.4 Invest and support a skilled and aligned workforce at Niagara Region


  • Q1 2024 updates

    Shared Services Strategy

    The work on shared services addresses four underlying principles established by the area CAOs:

    • Serving the public good
    • Increasing efficiency and effectiveness
    • Improving customer service
    • Coordinating the use of resourcing and staffing

    In October 2023, PDS 30-2023 [add link] provided an update on the first phase of activities for shared services, including a building services review, identified opportunities for procurement process, policy governance review and expanding on joint procurement.

    In partnership with area CAOs, work has started on the building services review and joint procurement initiatives by outlining workplans, developed in collaboration with subject matter experts. An update on these projects, as well as other shared services work will be provided to the Planning and Economic Development Committee in April 2024.

    Human Resource Plan

    The launch of the People Plan aims to support employee's health and well-being while also providing opportunities and resources needed for growth.

    Activities focused on cultivating top talent and reducing employee turnover have started. These include, recognizing staff who advance diversity, equity and inclusion principles within their work. In 2023, eight staff were given an award in this category.

    A corporate learning calendar was promoted and made available to staff, to encourage employees and leaders to advance their skills, along with implementing leadership exploration pathways for non-leaders to understand potential career options. In Q3 / Q4 2024, an engagement survey will gather feedback from all Niagara Region staff and the benefits compensation review will be completed.

  • Q2 2024 updates

    Asset Management Policy Update

    Project type: Council priority for annual budget and long-term forecast planning
    Status: Completed

    An asset management policy update was proposed and accepted by the Corporate Services Committee. The purpose of this policy is to guide the development and implementation of the Region's asset management framework, and asset management plans and strategy.

    Debt Strategy

    Project type: Council priority for annual budget and long-term forecast planning
    Status: On track

    A presentation was made to Niagara's Local Area Municipalities' Chief Administrative Officer and Treasurers Group supporting education and awareness of our debt program, and an information report was shared with Regional Council and area municipalities in Q2. Next steps include a meeting with the group in the fall to set common goals and approach. The 2025 Budget is to include a financial ask to enhance our debt program to support the forecasted debt requirements.

    DeGroote Capstone

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: Completed

    Twenty leaders completed the McMaster DeGroote's Leadership Program and delivered their Capstone presentations. These presentations supported the implementation of the Council Strategic Priorities by exploring how to integrate the guiding principles and strategic lenses.

    Employee Engagement Survey

    Project type: Council priority for Human Resource Plan
    Status: Completed

    The employee engagement survey was launched with a 71 per cent participation rate and a 65 per cent corporate engagement score. The results have been shared departmentally, with a focus on:

    • Communication
    • Performance and career growth
    • Diversity, equity and inclusion
    • Leadership

    Hauled Sewage Rate

    Project type: Council priority for water and wastewater asset sustainability
    Status: On track

    Staff completed an analysis on the new hauled sewage rate. A Council report was prepared and circulated to internal partners for consideration by Committee / Council in Q3 2024. Next steps include engagement with haulers.

    Incentive Review and Implementation

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    Staff engaged with local area municipalities, development industry personnel and service providers on the incentive review project. Council has received information through an education workshop.

    Niagara Open Data Portal

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: Completed

    Niagara Open Data, featuring a new ArcGIS online open data hub, was launched. This website was awarded the BeSpatial 2024 Gold Award for Best Open-Source GIS. As well, staff published the 2023 aerial photographs for all of Niagara.

    Niagara Utility Benefit

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    The Niagara Utility Benefit has streamlined administration and improved access to this critical support for the most vulnerable people. The program had adjudicated over 1,450 applications and approved more than 700 to prevent utility disconnections.

    Procurement By-Law Update

    Project type: Council priority for service, effectiveness and accountability reviews
    Status: On track

    The latest draft of the Modernizing Procurement By-Law, including a social procurement process framework, was shared with the Commissioner Leadership Team and staff for review and comment.

    Public Health Strategic Review

    Project type: Council priority for service, effectiveness and accountability reviews
    Status: On track

    Staff completed the assess and forecast phase of the Public Health Strategic Review and shared the preliminary results with the Chief Administrative Officer and Deputy Chief Administrative Officer. Next steps include completing the design and implementation phases.

    Shared Used Model Project

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    The Shared Use Model project is looking to maximize building utilization throughout the Region's existing administrative space. Corporate Services staff participated in the project's pilot launch. Those results and feedback are now being analyzed.

  • Q3 2024 updates

    Budget Communication

    Project type: Council priority for annual budget and long-term forecast planning
    Status: On track

    Staff are working on a continuous improvement project related to budget communication. A Power BI tool was built, and it was reviewed by internal and external stakeholders.

    Comprehensive Asset Management Plan

    Project type: Council priority for annual budget and long-term forecast planning
    Status: On track

    The comprehensive asset management plan update is halfway complete. A data gap analysis was completed along with consultation and collaboration with some local area municipalities.


    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Staff have received education and training on the importance of cybersecurity and protecting the Region's network systems. As well, there are ongoing phishing simulations sent to staff by email to enhance the Region's cyber awareness.

    Data Management Platform

    Project type: Council priority for data management plan
    Status: On track

    A 2025 capital budget ask was completed for a new data management platform. This software will be used across the corporation to establish guidelines for data governance and data standards.

    Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    For the twelfth consecutive year, Niagara Region has been recognized for meeting the highest principles of government budgeting. Niagara Region received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association.

    Formal Procurement Timeline

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    The timeline to facilitate the formal procurement process has decreased by approximately twenty per cent. This is an average two to three week reduction in cycle time on a per project basis. This decrease is attributable to divisional supports, operating at full capacity, and the submission of fulsome intake documents.

    Human Capital Reporting

    Project type: Council priority for human resources
    Status: On track

    Part one of phase two is complete, with payroll and timekeeping data integrated in the new data warehouse. Power BI reports will continue to be built and evolve to include cost, time and attendance.

    Public Health Strategic Review

    Project type: Council priority for service, effectiveness and accountability reviews
    Status: Completed

    The Public Health Strategic Review results were rolled out to staff and presented to Council. The organizational changes presented will mobilize and capitalize staff's efforts to meet the needs of residents along with aligning with the province's new Public Health standards. Changes will take effect January 2025.

    Shared Services

    Project type: Council priority for shared services
    Status: On track

    Staff further refined the shared services inventory, including initiatives between Niagara Region and area municipalities, and now between municipalities. An update on the first phase of shared service initiatives was presented to the Area CAO working group and the Planning and Economic Development Committee.

    St. Catharines' People Soft Implementation

    Project type: Council priority for shared services
    Status: Completed

    The St. Catharines' People Soft implementation is complete. The next step is a sustainment agreement and development of a work plan for phase 2.

    Emergency Medical Services Facility Plan

    Project type: Council priority for shared services
    Status: On track

    A first draft of the EMS Master Facility plan is complete. The draft report details a roadmap to achieve an efficient hub and spoke model. Staff will complete a financial comparison of both models over 10-years and include any off-setting efficiencies gained.

  • Q4 2024 updates

    Hauled Biosolid Rate Review

    Project type: Council priority project for annual budget and long-term forecast planning
    Status: Completed

    Staff completed an updated user fee through extensive public consultation. It was approved and will be effective in Q1 of 2025. Niagara Region will incorporate cyclical reviews into future work plans to ensure the fee stays current.

    Health Impact Assessments

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    Staff provided consult on health impacts for Regional plans, such as the Transportation Master Plan, Active Transportation Master Plan and the Road Safety Strategic Plan.

    Incentive Review and Implementation

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    A request for proposal was issued and two submissions were received. A contract is to be awarded Q1 2025.

    Inspection Software

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Niagara Region staff procured, tested and implemented a new software for public health inspectors. Staff provided feedback on the product and became the first Ontario Public Health Unit to pilot this inspection software. The implementation is scheduled for Q1 of 2025.

    Memorandum of Understanding for Development Engineering

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Staff drafted a memorandum of understanding for Development Engineering services. It was reviewed and approved by the local area municipalities and Regional Council.

    Modernizing Procurement By-Law

    Project type: Council priority project for service, effectiveness and accountability reviews
    Status: On track

    Staff have finalized the recommended by-law updates and circulated several procedural documents internally for review and comment. Staff will present to the Committee of the Whole in Q1 of 2025.

    Non-Union Compensation Review

    Project type: Council priority project for human resource plan
    Status: On track

    In line with Niagara Region's Total Rewards Strategy, staff reviewed the compensation policy design, external comparators and labour market conditions. As well, a market pricing exercise was conducted and reviewed to enhance Niagara Region's ability to attract and retain top talent.

    People Plan

    Project type: Council priority project for human resource plan
    Status: On track

    There have been many milestones achieved in the implementation of the People Plan. The non-union benefits review and the human resource data warehouse have been completed, along with defining critical roles and action plan reporting from the 2024 employee engagement survey.

    Safe and Secure Workplace

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    The Corporate Security Policy was approved along with supporting procedures. Staff training will be completed in 2025. A Corporate Security Office was established to support implementation and maintenance of the security program and strategy.

    Shared Services Strategy

    Project type: Council priority project for shared services
    Status: On track

    Niagara Region staff continue to collaborate on shared service initiatives. Staff have worked to advance the climate change; diversity, equity and inclusion; and the accessibility compliance policy alignments. Additionally, staff supported the Niagara Public Purchasing Committee with creating an operations equipment rental with operator list led by Port Colborne.

Priority: Green and Resilient Region

To protect and nurture an environment-friendly Niagara.

  • Objectives and actions


    • 2.1 Deliver operations and services in alignment with the Region's greenhouse gas emission target and climate change goals
    • 2.2 Partner with the local area municipalities and community organizations to advance climate change and resilience in Niagara
    • 2.3 Build resiliency into our infrastructure to support growth and prepare for the impacts of climate change


  • Q1 2024 updates

    Corporate Climate Change Action Plan

    The development of the Corporate Climate Change Action Plan is underway due to the successful selection of an external consultant and the creation of the internal cross-division corporate action plan sub-committee.

    The plan will provide the Region with short- and long-term strategies to align with meeting the corporate greenhouse gas emission reduction target of net-zero emissions by 2050. This includes actions for:

    • Energy reduction at corporate facilities
    • Wastewater treatment plants
    • Fleet vehicles
    • Street lighting
    • Policies and initiatives throughout our operations and service delivery

    A draft plan is aimed to be completed in Q2 2024, following that will be a presentation to Council in Q3 2024.

    Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan

    The 2019 to 2023 Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan has been completed and work is underway to create a new plan for 2024-2028.

    Achievements for the 2019-2023 plan include:

    • Establishing the Niagara Region Energy Working Group
    • Quarterly meetings with client groups to find energy reduction opportunities
    • Embedding energy reduction goals and guidelines into service level agreements with Regional departments
    • Establishing a LEED Silver minimum standard for new facility construction.

    These efforts helped to reduce energy use in corporate and long-term care buildings by 8 per cent combined electricity and natural gas reduction on a per square foot basis since 2018.

    The new plan will be developed in parallel with the Corporate Climate Change Action Plan and will help to define the goals for corporate energy and greenhouse gas reduction over the next five years.

    Development of a new Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan includes a comprehensive review of the progress made over the last five years (2019-2023). The goal is to have an updated plan, with an evaluation of past achievements and establishment of future targets, submitted to Committee in Q2 of 2024.

    From Q2-Q3 2024, staff will be working with consultants to develop a Pathway to Net Zero for eight to 12 corporate buildings, as well as, an in-depth feasibility study for deep carbon cutting measures at the Regional Headquarters. This includes a soil thermal conductivity test to confirm the feasibility of geothermal heating / cooling.

  • Q2 2024 updates

    Conservation Demand Management Plan

    Project type: Council priority for Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan
    Status: On track

    The Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan was completed, endorsed by the Chief Administrative Officer, and published. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has awarded Niagara Region $200,000 towards the development of a greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy.

    Road Resurfacing Program

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    Staff has tendered and awarded the first two major road resurfacing programs and are coordinating with external parties, such as the airport, to extend the economy of scale.

    Waste Management Strategic Plan

    Project type: Council priority for Waste Management Strategic Plan
    Status: On track

    The engagement phase of developing the Waste Management Strategic Plan was completed and the mission, vision and goals of the plan were presented to the Waste Management Planning Steering Committee and the Public Works Committee. Staff was recognized for their continuous engagement efforts by the Municipal Waste Association, with the bronze Social Media and Online Strategy award.

    Vulnerability Assessment

    Project type: Council priority for Climate Adaptation Plan
    Status: On track

    Staff identified data indicators for the climate change vulnerability assessment, which will help inform the Climate Adaptation Plan. Next steps include analyzing the indicators, creating visuals and drafting the assessment report.

  • Q3 2024 updates

    Building Utilization

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Staff developed a building utilization plan to maximize the Region’s office / administrative space with the goal to reduce the Region's overall building footprint. The plan identifies Regional facilities that have opportunities to consolidate service and programs.

    Fort Erie Servicing Strategy

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    The Fort Erie Servicing Strategy was initiated, and a kickoff meeting has been completed, along with providing background information for the Regional system.

    Transportation Request for Proposals

    Project type: Council priority for transportation sustainability
    Status: On track

    Several requests for proposals are in progress or been developed by the Transportation team. Including the Joint Operations Feasibility Study and the Transportation Operations Rationalization Study.

    Water and Wastewater Master Servicing Plan

    Project type: Council priority for water and wastewater master servicing implementation
    Status: On track

    The water and wastewater capital planning team has produced the methodology and evaluation criteria for the Master Servicing Plan growth projects. A 10-year capital forecast was developed and will be tested in preparation for the 2026 capital budget.

  • Q4 2024 updates

    Biosolids Master Plan

    Project type: Corporate priority project for Water and Wastewater Biosolids Management Plan
    Status: Completed

    The Biosolids Master Plan was initiated in 2021 and has now been completed. The plan aims to identify the future management of biosolids and explore various options for managing them in the region. Staff are currently working on implementing the recommendations outlined in the report.

    Waste Management Capital Delivery

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Several capital waste projects reached key milestones. These projects focused on improving leachate management systems to enhance functionality, reduce environmental impacts, and improve operational efficiency at the Glenridge Quarry Naturalization site, the Quarry Road Landfill site and the Mountain Road Landfill.

    Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

    Project type: Corporate priority project for Climate Adaptation Plan
    Status: Completed

    The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment internal report is complete. Next steps are to generate the executive report for public consumption and determine an implementation strategy.

    Combined Sewer Overflow Control Program

    Project type: Corporate priority project for water and wastewater master servicing implementation
    Status: On track

    The Combined Sewer Overflow Control Program is near completion. Staff facilitated meetings with local area municipalities to present evaluation results and Regional funding for approved municipal projects. Applications for the new 2025 program cycle were sent out in Q4 of 2024 to be filled out and submitted to Niagara Region in Q1 of 2025.

    Corporate Climate Change Action Plan

    Project type: Corporate priority project for Corporate Climate Change Action Plan
    Status: On track

    The Senior Leadership Team has reviewed the Corporate Climate Change Action Plan and is preparing to present it to the Commissioner Leadership Team. Staff will collaborate with Corporate Communications to design a high-level summary of the plan and prepare for a Council Workshop.

    Environmental Sustainability of Long-Term Care Homes

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Staff are enhancing the environmental sustainability of long-term care homes through strategies like implementing an ozone laundry system, upgrading heating systems and installing high-efficiency toilets. The ozone laundry system has saved up to $4,000 annually on natural gas per home, reduced electricity consumption, cut water usage by 35 per cent and decreased chemical usage.

    Federation of Canadian Municipalities Funded Headquarters Feasibility Study

    Project type: Corporate priority project for Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan
    Status: On track

    Staff have made great progress and are near completion on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities funded headquarters feasibility study. A draft report has been completed and next steps are stakeholder engagement.

Priority: Equitable Region

To promote affordability with a diversity, equity and inclusion lens.

  • Objectives and actions


    • 3.1: Ensure the region is inclusive, welcoming and free of discrimination
    • 3.2: Support growth and development following Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022
    • 3.3: Improve access to affordable and attainable housing


  • Q1 2024 updates

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan

    The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan reaches all Niagara Region staff and community members. It aims to build welcoming and inclusive communities and workplaces, while eliminating barriers.

    A new employee recognition category celebrated twenty staff who advanced diversity, equity and inclusion work in the organization or community. A community of practice was established in Niagara with over 100 members. The team also developed a learning curriculum for staff, councillors and volunteers.

    The development of a handbook is underway. This resource will help staff incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion into their daily work. It will provide advice in areas such as communication, leadership, and community engagement.

    Community Safety and Well-Being Plan

    The Community Safety and Well-Being Plan is working to improve responses to 911 calls involving mental health / addictions.

    In 2023, staff collected and analyzed data, reviewed identified pain points, and engaged in jurisdictional scans and a literature review to develop recommendations to improve 911 responses. On March 5, 2024, the COM 9-2024 CSWB 911 Action Table: Findings and Recommendations [add link] was put forward for consideration and approved at Committee.

    In collaboration with community agencies, the team devised a regionwide plan to expand the situation table model across all of Niagara. Table meetings meet regularly to identify community members who are at risk for crime or victimization and provide support before a crisis event occurs. The planning and implementation of the expansion plan includes 40 participating agencies across 12 sectors in a collective effort to use community resources more effectively.

    In October 2023, the first two tables were launched, including Table 1: Port Colborne, Wainfleet, Welland, Pelham, and Table 2: St. Catharines and Thorold.

    In January 2024, Table 3: Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Falls and Fort Erie and Table 4: Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln launched. The Gun and Gang Prevention Strategy was drafted through the Building Safer Communities Fund.

    In September 2023, a call for grant applications was launched to mobilize the strategy and action the areas identified by the community. This resulted in nine agencies being supported in providing youth crime prevention and intervention programming throughout Niagara.

  • Q2 2024 updates

    Accessibility Multi-Year Plan

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    Engagement for the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan was completed, including in-person sessions, an online survey, a virtual community meeting and feedback from the local municipal advisory committees. Next steps are to finalize the plan, targeting Q4.

    Flexible Assertive Community Treatment

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    The Flexible Assertive Community Treatment team collaborated with community partners to pilot a new intake process system. This system aims to ensure clients are referred to the most appropriate case management service.

    Emergency Medical Services Outreach Program

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    The Emergency Medical Services Street Outreach Community Paramedic Program resumed full operations. A Street Outreach Working Group was also assembled to gather social service and health partners to maximize resources and better coordinate efforts for serving common clients.

    Housing Focused Shelter Expansion

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    Construction was completed on the temporary shelter site in St. Catharines. The search for a potential permanent homeless shelter site in St. Catharines continues. Establishment of a South Niagara site is currently moving through the approval process.


    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    A self-service portal, EvokeHealth, was implemented in long-term care homes to offer family members timely information about resident's health status and introduces greater efficiencies for the care team.

    Indigenous Cultural Training

    Project type: Council priority for Indigenous Relations Action Plan
    Status: On track

    Indigenous history and culture training has been finalized and plans for rollout will begin in Q3.

    Niagara Week

    Project type: Council priority for growth management and staging of infrastructure strategy
    Status: Completed

    A business case for the South Niagara Water Treatment Site was created, including letters of support from community partners and local municipalities. During Niagara Week, staff and councillors met with the Premier and various ministers to discuss the need for provincial partnership. Preparations are underway for federal advocacy.

    Solar Eclipse

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: Completed

    Niagara Region staff prepared for the solar Eeclipse, which drew a large crowd to Niagara Falls to see this once-in-a-lifetime event. The Emergency Operations Committee effectively safeguarded the health and safety of residents and visitors.

    Vision Zero Road Safety Implementation and Complete Streets Guidelines

    Project type: Council priority for Vision Zero road safety implementation and Complete Streets guidelines
    Status: On track

    The Vision Zero Road Safety Strategic Plan initial outline has been shared with the Commissioner of Public Works. Staff have also integrated the Complete Streets Design Manual into operational services and plan to present the final guidelines to Council in Q3.

  • Q3 2024 updates

    Affordable and Equitable Access to Niagara Region Transit

    Project type: Council priority for Poverty Reduction Strategy
    Status: On track

    In partnership with Niagara Region Transit, staff are working on affordable and equitable access to transit services. A report was presented to the Niagara Transit Commission Board and approved for 2026 implementation. As well, in response to residents' needs, Niagara Region Transit has extended their customer service hours to ensure more opportunities to access assistance.

    Affordable and Equitable Access to Niagara Region Transit

    Project type: Council priority for Attainable Housing Strategy
    Status: Completed

    The 'Housing as a Priority and Land Optimization Framework' was adopted and is now being implemented by Niagara Region staff. Next steps are seeking approval of Student Housing Strategy.

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan

    Project type: Council priority for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan
    Status: On track

    Seventy per cent of employees have completed the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion fundamentals e-module. Staff are also working on implementing best practices to eliminate barriers in recruitment, hiring and promotion processes.

    National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    In recognition of Orange Shirt Day / National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, staff and councillors joined members from the Indigenous community to raise the Every Child Matters flag.

    Mobile Dental Unit

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    The building of a new mobile dental unit has been initiated. The floor plans have been finalized, equipment is being sourced and staff driver training is almost complete. This will provide the dental health team a way to provide equitable health care to residents in their own community.

    Sociodemographic Data Collection

    Project type: Council priority for Health Equity Strategic Plan
    Status: On track

    The collection of sociodemographic data collection has been implemented by four of six Public Health teams. These pieces of information will be used to further offer inclusive services to Niagara residents.

    South Niagara Shelter

    Project type: Council priority for Housing and Homelessness Action Plan / Built for Zero Homelessness Plan
    Status: On track

    The Niagara Regional Housing Board, along with Regional Council have approved the purchase of a South Niagara Shelter in Welland. This new site will be operated by the Hope Centre. Homeless division staff will support in preparing to launch this new shelter, inclusive of offering a community information session for neighbours of the shelter.

    Substance Use Strategy

    Project type: Council priority for Community Safety and Well-Being Plan
    Status: On track

    A Regional Substance Use Strategy is under development. Senior leadership engagement is complete and community groups were established to begin co-developing the strategy. Community engagement was initiated with resident surveys eliciting feedback on community substance use.

  • Q4 2024 updates

    Accessibility Multi-Year Plan

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan has been completed. The plan was endorsed by the Accessibility Advisory Committee and Regional Council. Implementation of the plan will start Q1 of 2025.

    Gilmore Lodge

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    Gilmore Lodge, a new resident-centered, state-of-the-art long-term care home serving 160 individuals, was opened in 2024. Residents, families and community members had the opportunity to drive the design of this home, including developing smaller neighbourhoods to support the well-being of residents, and offer a community of new friends and customized experiences.

    Gun and Gang Prevention Strategy

    Project type: Council priority for community safety and well-being
    Status: On track

    The Building Safer Communities grant program funded nine programs serving over 550 children, youth and young adults in 2024. Additionally, 64 partnerships were leveraged to enhance programming and support participants and their families.

    International Trauma Life Support Conference

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    Niagara hosted the International Trauma Life Support Conference featuring paramedic teams from around the world. Two teams compromised of Niagara Region's EMS staff competed, achieving first and third place.

    Situation Table

    Project type: Council priority for community safety and well-being
    Status: On track

    The Niagara Situation Tables ran weekly throughout 2024, with meetings spanning all twelve local area municipalities. Over 50 community agencies and 400 table representatives have been trained.

    Student Housing Strategy

    Project type: Council priority for Attainable Housing Strategy
    Status: On track

    The Student Housing Strategy was approved. Staff are planning to engage with community partners to implement the strategy.

    New Supportive Housing Development

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    An 18 unit transitional supportive housing new development has been completed for women and children fleeing violence.

    Niagara Well-Being Tool

    Project type: Council priority for community safety and well-being
    Status: Completed

    Staff launched an interactive tool that allows users to explore well-being data for Niagara's 12 municipalities and 44 neighbourhoods. Information about Niagara's communities, such as demographics, education, employment, housing and income can be explored at the regional, municipal and neighbourhood level through interactive maps, tables and graphs.

    Council Priority Project

    Project type: Council priority for Poverty Reduction Strategy
    Status: On track

    Staff hosted community information sessions for the Niagara Prosperity Initiative granting process. The review committee read through all applications and awarded funding to successful applicants. Staff are on track for funding to begin in Q1 of 2025.

Priority: Prosperous Region

To promote economic welfare and a healthy business environment in Niagara.

  • Objectives and actions


    • 4.1 Attract and retain businesses, create jobs and support a skilled workforce in Niagara
    • 4.2 Build "Niagara" as a global brand and invest in the growth of its emerging sectors
    • 4.3 Invest and enhance access to transit, active transportation and other transportation systems in Niagara
    • 4.4 Be an effective and unified voice to advocate with senior governments on behalf of Niagara


  • Q1 2024 updates

    Economic Development Strategy

    The Economic Development Strategy outlines the goals and actions that will guide the Niagara Economic Development team to build a strong and sustainable economy for Niagara residents.

    A customer relationship management system has been procured and implemented for Niagara Economic Development. By leveraging the Microsoft Dynamics platform, staff can document customer interactions, track progress on open files, respond efficiently, prioritize opportunities and ensure succession.

    Niagara Economic Development, in partnership with the Workforce Collective, post-secondary institutions, Niagara Industrial Association and local employment agencies created the 'Workforce Coalition.' This coalition has developed a pilot project to identify and recruit the necessary skills and attract the required labour force in core and emerging sectors.

    Government Relations Strategy

    Throughout 2023, considerable efforts were made to be proactive in Niagara's government relations approach to ensure Regional priorities were showcased to upper levels of government.

    In addition to participating in annual advocacy initiatives, the Region continued to establish positive relationships with local partners and other levels of government, launched unique 'Growing Better Together' branding for the Region's core priorities and was proactive in hosting Niagara-specific advocacy events. These efforts helped bolster the Region's reputation as a municipal leader while demonstrating how Niagara is working to advance areas of mutual interest with the provincial and federal governments.

    To build off 2023 successes, pre-budget submissions were completed during provincial and federal consultations to reaffirm advocacy priorities in Q1.

    Preparations for Niagara Week taking place in Q2 are underway and efforts to streamline external grant opportunities across the organization is targeted for late Q3 early Q4.

  • Q2 2024 updates

    EarlyON Service Enhancement Strategy

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    Thirteen pilot projects were funded through the EarlyON Service Enhancement Strategy. This strategy aims to increase access to and diversity of services in EarlyON centres, as well as extend programming hours.

    Foreign Direct Investment: Asahi Kasei

    Project type: Business plan
    Status: On track

    Niagara celebrated the announcement of a wet battery separator plant in Port Colborne; a $1.56 billion investment in the region's economy. The Workforce Coalition started collaborating with Asahi Kasei and their global human resource team to advocate for electric vehicle training.

    Permanent Transit Fund Opportunities

    Project type: Council priority for Niagara Region Transit service support and growth
    Status: On track

    Niagara Region received the 2024 Award for Collaboration within Municipalities for consolidating our transit system. The Government of Canada announced that the Canada Public Transit Fund will provide $3 billion annually to support public transit and active transportation infrastructure across Canada beginning 2026-27.

    Niagara Region and Niagara Transit are reviewing the funding opportunity to submit expressions of interests for capital investment.

    Signature Site Tool

    Project type: Council priority for Signature Site Strategy
    Status: On track

    The Signature Sites tool was launched to promote development opportunities. Staff have prepared a report and presentation to be shared with Council in Q3/Q4.

    Zero Emissions Vehicle Blueprint

    Project type: Council priority for core and emerging sector focus
    Status: On track

    A zero emissions vehicle blueprint was submitted and approved by FedDev Ontario. The blueprint outlines clear opportunities and strategies for leveraging the electric vehicle industry and establishes a strong foundation for future economic initiatives.

  • Q3 2024 updates

    Agri-Business Strategy

    Project type: Council priority for Agri-Business Strategy
    Status: On track

    Consultation and feedback with Six Nations and the Federation of Agriculture has been integrated into the Agri-Business Strategy. A new economic development officer was hired; they will lead this work in Q4 2024.

    Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Program

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    A new Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care funding formula will be implemented in January 2025. Staff have developed a communication strategy for child care sites and analyzed financial data to determine funding allocations.

    Electric Vehicle Roundtable

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Staff participate on the electric vehicle roundtable with Minister Tassi, leveraging fellow municipal partnerships who have electric vehicle investment companies, including Windsor (Stellantis), St. Thomas (Volkswagen) and Kingston (Umicore).

    GO Train Service in Niagara

    Project type: Council priority for expansion of GO Transit
    Status: On track

    An advocacy strategy was developed to help secure two-way, all-day GO Train service in Niagara. The St. Catharines Station site redevelopment commenced and staff prepared a business case to advocate for an increase in GO Train service.

    Zero Emissions Vehicle Framework

    Project type: Council priority for core and emerging sector focus
    Status: Completed

    A Zero Emissions Vehicle Framework, outlining how Niagara will transition to zero emission vehicle production, was presented to and accepted by Regional Council.

  • Q4 2024 updates

    EarlyON Service Enhancement

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: Completed

    Fourteen EarlyON enhancement projects from six agencies were funded at approximately $292,000 to provide additional child care spaces for Niagara, increasing access to EarlyON Centres.

    Electric Mobility Specialist

    Project type: Council priority project for core and emerging sector focus
    Status: On track

    Niagara Region secured an extension of federal funding for the electric mobility sector specialist, ensuring this critical role will be funded through Q1 2027. This extension helps to strengthen Niagara's position as a hub for electric mobility.

    Transportation Capital Projects

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    The St. Paul Street W CNR Bridge Replacement, St. Catharines train station redevelopment and Ridley Road reconstruction are progressing well. As well, staff completed the Regional Road 98 reconstruction project, which is key to supporting the development of the new South Niagara Hospital.

    Physician Recruitment Program

    Project type: Council priority project for Economic Development Strategy
    Status: On track

    Niagara Region welcomed 26 family physicians. Staff hosted a Physician Recruitment Roundtable, bringing together municipal leaders, economic development representatives and health sector partners to identify strategies for attracting and retaining physicians.

    Project Eagle

    Project type: Council priority project for Economic Development Strategy
    Status: On track

    Niagara Region staff are working with community partners on Regional infrastructure for Asahi Kasei. The detailed design is being finalized, aiming to tender Q2 of 2025. This project received the 2024 Deal of the Year Impact Award, recognizing this project's lasting impact on Niagara.

    Provincial and Federal Advocacy

    Project type: Business plan project
    Status: On track

    Staff undertook several advocacy related projects, including the South Niagara Wastewater Solution Plant, two-way GO Train service and the Consolidated Housing Master Plan.

Budget and financial reports

Learn about the Q2 Financial Update.

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