Indigenous Engagement

We need meaningful, authentic engagement with First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities to ensure:

  • Access to culturally safe services and programs delivered by the Region
  • Promotion and celebration of Indigenous cultural identities and heritage
  • Support for economic growth of Indigenous-owned businesses and Nations

Safety and well-being

In 2021, Wendy Sturgeon and local Indigenous organizations wrote Mno Bmaadziwin: Living the Good and Healthy Life.

This report informs Niagara's Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. This plan identifies priorities and opportunities to improve safety and well-being in Niagara.


There were three main recommendations from the Mno Bmaadziwin report.

  • Establish a joint roundtable with Niagara Indigenous Community Executives, Niagara Region Corporate Leadership Team and senior leaders from Niagara Region Police Service
  • Make a formal public statement on our intention to address systemic racism within all our systems as it pertains to Indigenous people
  • Hold a joint summit of all the Indigenous agencies' boards of directors and Niagara Region councillors


Brian Kon
Indigenous Relations Advisor
Email Brian Kon

Indigenous Perspectives Docuseries

The Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre produced a docuseries highlighting Indigenous history in Niagara.

In 2021, Niagara Region created a mandatory course for all staff which includes the viewing of this locally-developed docuseries.

Local Indigenous history and resources

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