Selling your Goods / Services to Niagara Region
Purchasing Services solicits pricing on a variety of items including, but not limited to, consumable products, services, rentals, consulting, construction, renovations, printing and equipment.
All potential suppliers of goods and services are given a fair and equal opportunity to bid on Regional business.
We operate on the premise that a competitive market exists to provide best value goods and services to benefit Niagara Region and its taxpayers.
Vendors should become familiar with all procedures and directives to avoid any misunderstanding.
Requests to review a product or service
Unsolicited requests for product and service reviews must be submitted to the Product Review Committee using the request for consideration.
The chair of the committee will then review the application and determine if the product or service being reviewed is of value to Niagara Region.
A Product Review Committee reviews and approves new equipment and materials for design purposes, equipment replacement, and new equipment installation for our:
Contact a purchasing agent
Email procurement
Fax: 905-682-8521
Learn how procurement policies and procedures are defined in the Procurement By-law.
Purchasing goals
The goals and objectives of our purchasing by-laws are to:
- Encourage competitive bidding
- Ensure objectivity and integrity in the purchasing process
- Ensure fairness between bidders
- Maximize savings for taxpayers
- Offer a variety of purchasing methods, and to use the most appropriate method depending on the particular circumstances of the acquisition
- Ensure openness, accountability and transparency while protecting the best interests of the corporation and the taxpayers, to the best extent possible
- Get the best value for the corporation when procuring goods and services
- Avoid real and perceived conflicts between the interests of the corporation and those of the corporation's employees and elected officials, and to ensure compliance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, as amended
- Encourage the purchasing of goods and services with due regard to the preservation of the natural environment
Notice of participation in buying groups
In accordance with the requirements under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, Chapter 5, Niagara Region may be a participating agency in one or more procurements conducted by any of the following cooperative buying groups: