Branch Collection - Collected in Spring and Fall

Branch collection is provided in the spring and fall to residents living in single family homes and apartments with six units or less.

Acceptable size and weight limits

Branches must be tied into bundles
  • Branches must be tied into bundles using string or twine
  • Maximum weight of a bundle: 22.7 kg (50 lbs.)
  • Maximum size of a bundle: 1.5 m (5 ft.) in length, and 0.5 m (1.6 ft.) in diameter
  • Individual branches inside of a bundle must not exceed 7 cm (2.8 in.) in diameter

Stumps, limbs and tree trunks not collected

Stumps, large branches / limbs and tree trunks are not collected at the curb.

Drop these off at a landfill year-round for free.

Stumps can also be brought to the Walker Environmental Group Landfill site in Thorold. Tipping fees may apply.

Branch collection dates

Branch collection takes place for four weeks in the spring and four weeks in the fall, on your regular collection day. Place branches at the curb by 7 a.m.

  • Spring branch collection: May 5 - 30
  • Fall branch collection: Oct. 27 - Nov. 21

Branches may be dropped off at any landfill year-round, free of charge.

Christmas tree collection

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