Twenty Mile Creek Arch Bridge Replacement
To study, plan and design the replacement of Twenty Mile Creek Bridge
Grimsby Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Environmental Assessment and Conceptual Design
To expand the wastewater treatment plant to support future growth and reliable services
Gilmore Lodge Redevelopment
Building a new three-storey, 160 bed long-term care facility and a Seniors Wellness Centre
Fort Erie
New Hauled Sewage Rate Review
To ensure fees are fair and cover the costs of treating hauled waste
All Niagara
Updates to the Sewer Use By-law No. 27-2014
By-law updates to satisfy the community's needs and ensure compliance with regulations
Lyons Creek Road (Regional Road 47) Reconstruction, Bridge Rehabilitation Including QEW Ramp Improvements
Reconstruction to widen the road and realign and improve the QEW ramp
Niagara Falls