Batch Discharge Permit Application

Niagara Region may permit temporary connections to the sanitary sewer system for activities such as construction dewatering, process discharges, provided that the discharge is compliant with the Niagara Region Sewer-use By-law.

Connections to the local municipal sanitary sewer may also be permitted if the local area municipality has also approved the connection location and type.

Batch Discharge Permit fee

Batch Discharge Permit fee shall be submitted with the Batch Discharge Authorization Request. You will be asked to provide payment after completing the registration form, in the amount of $164.

All established fees and charges are set out by our current Fees and Charges By-law.

* = Required

Contact Information

Discharge Information

* Discharge is to be made to a manhole:

* Was the wastewater generated from municipality-metered drinking water?

* Does this wastewater contain any other known contaminants not regulated under the Niagara Region Sewer Use By-law No. 2024-51?

Lab Results

Laboratory analysis must include but not limited to:

  • Oil and grease (or TPH)
  • Total suspended solids
  • pH
  • Chemical oxygen demand / biochemical oxygen demand
  • TP and TKN

Contact Environmental Enforcement Officer for guidance prior to having the analysis performed.

Applicant represents that the submitted analytical results are representative of the wastewater to be discharged.

Environmental Compliance

Billing Information

Provide the information below as it appears on your credit card.

Mailing Information

Terms and Conditions

Notice of Collection

Any personal information or personal health information submitted will be collected, used, and disclosed, where applicable, by members of Regional staff according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any information you share will only be used for the intended purpose for which it was provided.

For questions or comments about privacy practices, or for more information about the administration of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in Niagara Region programs, see Freedom of Information and Open Government.

Payment Information

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