Vision Screening
Vision screening is important
Children who have trouble seeing may struggle to learn and take part in activities at school. They often don't know they have vision problems, so many issues can go unnoticed and untreated.
If untreated, some vision problems may affect a child’s vision for life. Screening is important for early detection of possible issues.
Eye doctor visits
The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommend children visit an eye doctor at:
- Six months of age
- Two to three years of age
- Every year following
Eye doctors can complete an eye exam even if a child isn't speaking in full sentences.
An eye exam is needed to diagnose vision problems and to make sure eyes are developing properly. Vision screening doesn't replace your child's regular exam with an eye doctor.
Financial help for prescription glasses
The following programs may assist you with the cost of prescription glasses.
- Eye See…Eye Learn® – Children in junior kindergarten are eligible for a free pair of prescription glasses through this program.
- Ontario Works – Families receiving support from Ontario Works can contact their local Ontario Works office for more information on getting support for vision care costs.
- Ontario Disability Support Program Vision Care Benefit – Families receiving support from Ontario Disability Support Program, and don't have vision care coverage under OHIP, may be able to get help with vision care costs.
- Non-Insured Health Benefits Program – This program provides eligible clients (First Nations and Inuit) coverage for vision care benefits not available under other federal, provincial, territorial or private health insurance.
- Interim Federal Health Program – This program provides limited, temporary coverage of health care benefits, including vision, to resettled refugees, refugee claimants and certain other groups who aren't eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance.