Teaching Tool - Active School Travel (Grade 5 / 6)

This presentation teaches students about safe practices related to road and off-road activities.

Learning goals

  • I will participate in active and safe travel to and from school
  • I will recognize the importance of active school travel and road safety
  • I will learn about pedestrian safety, wheel safety and rules of the road
  • I will identify road signs and hand signals, and explain their meaning

Core knowledge content

Core knowledge content provides the teacher with the background information needed to prepare and teach this health class.

Ontario curriculum expectations

Grades 1-8: Health and Physical Education (2019)

  • B3.1 demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize safety and lessen the risk of injury, including the risk of concussion, for themselves and others during physical activity. This specific expectation is also connected to the social emotional learning expectations A1.4 Relationships and 1.5 Self.
  • D1.1 identify trusted people and support services that can assist with injury prevention, emotional distress, emergencies, etc. This specific expectation is also connected to the social emotional learning expectations A1.1 Emotions and A1.2 Coping.
  • D3.2 demonstrate an understanding of proactive measures that should be taken to minimize environmental health risks that may interfere with their safe participation in and enjoyment of outdoor physical activities. This specific expectation is also connected to the social emotional learning expectation A1.6 Thinking.

Learning activities

Trivia game (essential)

Pedestrian poster challenge

Map your route

Wheel safety

Bike traffic signs and hand signals

Bike rodeo

Class project

Road safety campaign

Have students create a road safety campaign, such as a poster, presentation for other students, skit, video or short story. This project could be connected to other curriculum, for example in language, arts and science.

School-wide activities

Safe travel plan

Create a safe travel plan with the support of community partners, including Public Health, to promote active transport and improving the safety of routes to school for walkers and cyclists.

Curriculum connections: Map your route

Strand B. People and Environments: The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship - Ontario Social Studies Curriculum (2018)

  • B2.3 analyse and construct maps in various formats, including digital formats, as part of their investigations into social and / or environmental issues (Grade five; page 120)
  • B2.3 analyse and construct different types of maps, both print and digital, as part of their investigations into global issues, their impact and responses to them (Grade six; page 133)
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