Quaker Road Sanitary Sewer
All Niagara Region projects

About the project

The most recent 2016 Wastewater Master Servicing Plan found Pelham as an area of significant growth. To support existing and future flows and system connectivity associated with growth, more trunk sewer capacity is recommended along Quaker Road.

The Welland Wastewater Treatment Plant at 505 River Rd. in Welland receives influent wastewater, mainly from domestic sewage, hauled sewage and discharge from local industries in sections of Welland, Thorold and Pelham.

This design assignment is for a detailed engineering design of a new 600 millimetre sanitary gravity sewer on Quaker Road from Pelham Street to Rice Road.

The project runs just over 1.2 km at the intersection of Rice Road and Quaker Road, proceeding west.

The following improvements will be included as part of this project:


  • Replacement and realignment to parts of the local sanitary sewer (areas impacted by the installation of the trunk sewer)
  • Watermain replacement


  • Local sanitary sewer replacement, which will also service new developments along the corridor
  • Watermain replacement
  • Corridor urbanization including storm sewers, curb and gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes

Project timeline

Winter 2020 to Winter 2021 - completed
Conceptual design

Summer 2022 - completed
Public Information Centre #1

Winter 2023 - Completed
Detailed design

January 2024 to may 2025


Lucas Smith, P.Eng., MBA
Project Manager, Water and Wastewater Engineering
Niagara Region
905-980-6000 ext. 3452
Email Lucas Smith

Emmanuel Furlonge
Project Coordinator
Peters Excavating Inc.
905-714-0011 ext. 1506

Local impacts and traffic interruptions

During construction, expect dust, noise and road closures near construction activities with detour routes set up through nearby neighbourhoods. Advance notice will be provided if access to your property or services will be interrupted.

Working hours are between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. Some activities may take place outside of these times.

Residents north of Quaker Road (in the Montgomery Road, Topham Boulevard, Crerar Avenue and Summerlea Avenue neighbourhoods) will have access to their homes through a temporary access created at Line Avenue and Summerlea Avenue (across from Steve Bauer Trail). This access will be maintained until the intersection of Quaker Road and Montgomery Road can be reopened.

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