Welland Water Treatment Plant - 2021 Summary Report

This report summarizes the water flows for the Welland Water Treatment Plant, drinking water system number 220002048, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021.

This report satisfies the requirements of Ontario Regulation 170/03 - Drinking Water Systems.

Summary of non-compliance

The Welland Water Treatment Plant was operated in such a way that at no time did it fail to meet or exceed the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, associated regulations, the system's approval or any order that may have been issued for this reporting period.

Summary of water treatment plant flows

The flow rates captured below are moments in time, and can be affected by various circumstances, such as pump changes or valve position. It is not unusual to have higher or lower than normal flows for this reason.

Month Total flow raw (ML) Total flow treated (ML) Average day raw (ML) Average day treated (ML) Minimum day treated (ML) Maximum day treated (ML) Minimum flow rate treated (ML/d) Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) Total waste sludge (ML)
Jan. 729.260 714.430 23.525 23.073 20.475 26.045 10.788 43.375 21.823
Feb. 785.280 765.220 28.046 27.355 21.514 37.071 21.075 44.013 28.518
March 734.030 715.161 23.678 23.101 19.376 28.720 13.690 48.318 26.884
April 679.600 660.647 22.653 22.050 20.395 24.658 23.925 42.669 25.467
May 793.240 770.614 25.588 24.888 19.051 31.397 16.881 43.919 27.463
June 844.840 828.925 28.161 27.665 23.787 33.745 19.219 62.519 24.766
July 791.870 776.779 25.544 25.095 21.445 32.584 17.206 47.739 24.784
Aug. 888.320 867.991 28.655 28.042 22.934 33.583 11.256 45.950 32.769
Sept. 762.000 743.038 25.400 24.804 21.461 29.749 20.325 47.475 29.216
Oct. 794.400 730.206 25.626 23.598 20.554 26.658 22.337 42.831 81.935
Nov. 739.250 695.460 24.642 23.217 20.754 27.442 10.507 49.106 54.605
Dec. 770.130 718.545 24.843 23.214 20.856 24.897 23.445 47.435 64.522

The flow rates are moments in time, and can be affected by various circumstances, such as pump changes or valve position and therefore not unusual to have higher or lower than normal flows.

Flow totals

  • Total flow raw was 9312.220 ML
  • Total flow treated was 8987.016 ML
  • Total waste sludge was 442.752 ML


  • Minimum day treated was 19.051 ML
  • Minimum flow rate treated was 10.507 ML
  • Total waste sludge minimum was 21.823 ML


  • Maximum day treated was 37.071 ML
  • Maximum flow rate treated was 62.519 ML
  • Total waste sludge maximum was 81.935 ML


  • Total flow treated average was 748.918 ML
  • Total average day raw was 25.530 ML
  • Total average day treated was 24.675 ML
  • Total waste sludge average was 36.896 ML

Comparison of actual to system approved flow

Flow rates are required by Municipal Drinking Water Licence number 007-202.

Maximum daily flow: 65.000 ML
Maximum flow rate: 65.000 ML/day

Month Average day treated (ML) Per cent of average day treated rated capacity Maximum day treated (ML) Per cent of maximum day treated rated capacity Maximum flow rate treated (ML/d) Per cent of maximum flow rate rated capacity
Jan. 23.073 35.5% 26.045 40.1% 43.375 66.7%
Feb. 27.355 42.1% 37.071 57.0% 44.013 67.7%
March 23.101 35.5% 28.720 44.2% 48.318 74.3%
April 22.050 33.9% 24.658 37.9% 42.669 65.6%
May 24.888 38.3% 31.397 48.3% 43.919 67.6%
June 27.665 42.6% 33.745 51.9% 62.519 96.2%
July 25.095 38.6% 32.584 50.1% 47.739 73.4%
Aug. 28.042 43.1% 33.583 51.7% 45.950 70.7%
Sept. 24.804 38.2% 29.749 45.8% 47.475 73.0%
Oct. 23.598 36.3% 26.658 41.0% 42.831 65.6%
Nov. 23.217 35.7% 27.442 42.2% 49.106 75.5%
Dec. 23.214 35.7% 24.897 38.3% 47.435 73.0%
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