Community Flag Raising and Niagara Sign Lighting
Niagara Region recognizes that flags and sign lightings are important symbols that increase public awareness of special events, activities and historical commemorations.
Flags may be lowered to half-mast to commemorate special dates, such as Remembrance Day or as a measure of respect and condolences, according to the Flag Raising and Niagara Sign Lighting Policy.
Niagara Region flag raisings and sign lighting support and promote the diversity and cultural heritage of the Region, and acknowledge community organizations and groups.
Flag raisings
Standard flags at Niagara Region Headquarters
- April 28: Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplac
- June 23: National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism
- Sept. 14: Firefighters' National Memorial Day
- Sept. 28: Police and Peace Officers' National Memorial Day
- Sept. 30: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Nov. 11: Remembrance Day
- Dec. 6: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
Niagara sign lighting
Standard sign lighting
Permanent flags at Niagara Region Headquarters
- National Flag of Canada
- Province of Ontario flag
- Niagara Region flag
- The 12 flags of Niagara's local area municipalities
Request a flag raising or sign lighting
Submit a request to fly your organization's flag on one of our community flag poles or to light the Niagara sign at Regional Headquarters.
Requests may not be approved for:
- Commercial, religious or political purposes
- Groups whose activities or philosophy are against those of Niagara Region
We can accommodate flag sizes of 5x8, 4x8, 3x6 and 3x5.
Requests must be received at least 30 days before the proposed date and are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not do proclamations.