Planning and Economic Development Committee Agendas and Minutes (2015 - 2018)

Current agendas and minutes

2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 Agendas, Minutes, Reports

Sept. 26, 2018Cancelled
Sept. 5, 2018Agenda (91 MB)MinutesVideo
July 18, 2018Agenda (54 MB)MinutesVideo
June 27, 2018Agenda (38 MB)MinutesVideo
June 6, 2018Agenda (17 MB)MinutesVideo
May 16, 2018Agenda (32 MB)MinutesVideo
April 25, 2018Agenda (31 MB)MinutesVideo
April 4, 2018AgendaMinutesVideo
March 7, 2018Agenda (12 MB)MinutesVideo
Feb. 21, 2018AgendaMinutesVideo
Jan. 31, 2018AgendaMinutesVideo
Jan. 10, 2018AgendaMinutesVideo
Nov. 29, 2017Agenda (10 MB)MinutesVideo
Nov. 8, 2017Agenda (26 MB)MinutesVideo
Oct. 18, 2017Agenda (35 MB)MinutesVideo
Sept. 27, 2017Agenda (31 MB)MinutesVideo
Sept. 6, 2017AgendaMinutesVideo
July 12, 2017AgendaMinutesVideo
June 21, 2017Agenda (53 MB)MinutesVideo
May 31, 2017AgendaMinutesVideo
May 10, 2017AgendaMinutesVideo
April 19, 2017Minutes (17 MB)Video

Inquiries and Copies of Reports

For questions or copies of committee reports listed on the agenda, email Clerks.

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