Wastewater Treatment and Collection Annual Performance Reports

Niagara Region is responsible for the collection and treatment of wastewater. This is essential to public health and the protection of the environment.

Wastewater services are delivered using a two-tier model.

  • Local municipalities own and operate local gravity sewer mains
  • Niagara Region owns and operates large gravity sewer trunk lines, most pumping station and forcemains, and all wastewater treatment facilities

Annual reports by wastewater treatment facility

Each year, Niagara Region must submit performance summary reports for the wastewater system Niagara Region owns and operates. The reports must meet Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks requirements.


For more information about wastewater collection in your local collection system, contact your city / town.

2023 Wastewater statistics

  • 11 wastewater treatment plants
  • 77,356 million litres of wastewater treated
  • 108 pumping stations
  • 145 kilometres of forcemains
  • 143 kilometres of sewers
  • 95 per cent pollutants removed
  • 100 per cent of biosolids reused
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