Zero Suicide in Niagara

Suicide impacts people everywhere - in their homes, workplaces, schools, places of worship and beyond. For this reason, our communities are important settings for suicide prevention.

Zero Suicide is a framework for suicide prevention in health care and community settings. It's an aspirational goal that any death by suicide is one too many, and is based in the core belief that suicide can be preventable.

In partnership with St. Joseph's Health Care in London, Ontario, we have created a toolkit for community organizations to use to enhance suicide prevention work based on the Zero Suicide Framework.


For more information or to connect with Niagara Region Public Health about implementing Zero Suicide at your organization in Niagara, email our suicide prevention team.

Zero Suicide toolkit

This toolkit has been designed specifically to support organizations that are not a formal part of the health care sector. The toolkit enhances suicide prevention, and is a practical guide to expand the potential for suicide prevention within your organization and for the clients you serve.

The toolkit helps suicide prevention with staff surveys, workplace assessments, training suggestions and policy examples for organizations. It is a practical guide to improve suicide prevention in your organization and for your clients.

The toolkit is written in sections. Download one section at a time or the full version to start using it.

Toolkit sections

Download the full version of the Zero Suicide implementation guide for community organizations.

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