Accessibility Plan: 2018 - 2023
Section 7: Status and Update of Regional Operations
Community Services
- Ensures supports are in place that advance the well-being of individuals, families and communities in Niagara
- Provides encouragement and support to enable individuals and families to maximize potential to achieve their life goals
- Enhances residents' and clients' quality of life and social well-being by providing a spectrum of integrated programs and partnerships
- Ensures Home For Good (supportive housing) new construction will meet building code with 15 per cent accessible units, and through redevelopment, new builds and upgrades, ensures Facilities Accessibility Design Standards are in place
- Continues to provide accessible hotel rooms as an emergency homelessness shelter alternative as required
- Identifies accommodation needs during intake process for social assistance applications. Online applications for three social assistance programs and subsidized childcare available, improving accessibility for persons with disabilities.
- Ensures social assistance offices are wheelchair accessible, home visits are offered along with interpreter services, accommodation for service animals and use of Dragon speak for ease in accessing services
- Within Niagara Region's long-term care homes, the Region maintains and provides accessible resident care equipment including specialized beds, specialized bathing systems and resident assisted lift systems
- Within the Region's long-term care homes, Niagara Region provides tablets with an application that converts talk to text to ensure clear communication for employees with hearing impairment
- Community Services offers sit-stand work stations to employees in need
- Community Services provide orientation training on applicable legislation for all new staff including our responsibilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Enterprise Resource Management Services
- Provides legal services to Regional Council and departments
- Acts as agent on behalf of the 12 local area municipalities and has established administration and courtrooms to deal with charges laid under the Provincial Offences Act
- Financial management and planning, and procurement and strategic acquisitions
Planning and Development
- Enhances the Niagara community's special characteristics through partnerships
- Responsible for development, conservation and environmental protection
- Achieves a higher quality of life for residents and visitors
- Provides policy direction to Regional Council on the protection of agricultural resources and the development of safe and healthy communities
- Supports planning legislation related to accessibility
- Provides economic and fiscal planning
- Incorporates regional staff sensitivity and awareness training
Public Health and Emergency Services
- Impacts community health and health equity across Niagara
- Defines the top health issues affecting our residents and maps the marginalized neighbourhoods across Niagara. This information is used to help inform program and service planning and ensure we are reaching those in our community that are most effected by the social determinants of accessing health care.
- Identifies priority populations in Niagara to ensure we reach those who have barriers to accessing service
- All our office locations are accessible and accessibility is a consideration when selecting our community clinic locations. In 2019, we're opening a new office / clinic location and it will be fully accessible and strategically located for access by public transportation and vehicle, and close to other key community stakeholders.
- Some of our program and services offer a home visitation or community outreach which removes transportation and accessibility barriers for clients who access their services
Public Works
- Provides safe potable water
- Ensures effective and safe treatment of sewage
- Manages the Waste Management Program at Niagara Region
- Develops and maintains a regional road network
- Road design and construction
- Road crossing protection and assistance
- Long, intermediate and short-term transportation plan
- Inter-municipal specialized transit service
Economic Development
- Mandated to carry out activities to advance the economic prosperity of the Niagara community
- Designed to bring a more focused, strategic approach to the goals of creating jobs and working together with municipal and private sector partners
- Provides effective, innovative services to promote investment and visitation and provides business support services to attract, maintain, and increase jobs in Niagara
Section 8: Status and Updates by Other Organizations and Agencies
Section 6: Plan Development Working Group