Accessibility Plan: 2018 - 2023
Section 10: Summary of Highlights
- Improve facility accessibility on a continual basis
- Ensure Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act legislation is incorporated into policies and practices
- Support the continued implementation of audible pedestrian signals at Regional traffic intersections
- Advocate for increased availability of accessible transportation
- Endorse the inclusion of accessibility planning into emergency preparedness initiatives
- Ensure availability of alternative formats for information and material
- Further the accessibility sensitivity / awareness and customer service training for staff, new hires and other members of obligated sectors
- Development and delivery of training for Acessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Customer Service compliance, including Ontario Human Rights component - ongoing and included in new hire orientation
- On site Emergency Medical Services building
- FADS and Design of Public Spaces - Built Environment Standard continue to be adopted by area municipalities for use in their facilities. The use of FADS as a guideline for creating accessible environments is available to businesses and the general public. The Region recognizes the benefit of updating the FADS to a more current edition, however, is waiting until the Built Environment Standard becomes part of the AODA. Niagara Region encourages its use throughout the community.
- In November 2006, Niagara Region introduced its new inter-municipal specialized transit system, Niagara Specialized Transit. Its success and use has grown monthly since that time. It was designed for eligible Niagara residents who need to travel between the Region's municipalities for medical appointments and thereafter expanded to include employment and education as well. During the period of January-December 2007 and January-December 2008, the ridership increased by 56 per cent. The increase was due to both the expanded trip criteria and public awareness of the availability of this service.
- The program for the placement of audible pedestrian signals, as identified, was continued. APS installations provide added safety to persons who are blind, or have low vision, crossing at these signals (for example, Glenridge Ave. pedestrian crossing linking Brock University's Main Campus with its East Academic Campus) Funding has been approved to continue with installations at locations identified by the CNIB. There is sufficient budget available to complete approximately eight intersections which have been prioritized by the Accessibility Committee and the CNIB.
- Customer Service Standard training continues with a focus on compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005)
- Establish feedback line for accessibility-related issues on Region's website
- Increased Regional department staff representation to the Accessibility Advisory Committee and staff committees to address AAC concerns and issues. Representation now includes Niagara Regional Housing, Niagara Regional Police Service as well as Facilities, Integrated Community Planning, Corporate Communications, Community Services, Transportation, Public Health and Human Resources
- Inventoried communication materials that must be made available in accessible formats
- Website updated to incorporate plain language and improved readability
- Communication materials developed with plain language guideline and larger fonts
- Timeline developed to establish compliance with AODA Standards as they are introduced into the Act
- Redrafted housing options to include specific accessibility requirements (both partial and full modifications)
- Special events hosted in accessible venues
Section 9: Initiatives 2018-2023