Performance Measurement at Niagara Region

Niagara Region continuously improves service delivery to provide the best possible municipal services. Participating in performance measurement helps us determine our efficiency and effectiveness.

We're a member of the Municipal Benchmarking Network of Canada, which is a collaboration of 13 municipalities with a common goal of fostering a culture of service excellence by measuring, sharing and comparing performance statistics and operational practices. The most recent is the 2020 annual performance benchmarking report. Benchmarking helps us:

  • Compare our performance against our peers
  • Find opportunities to improve based on innovation and idea sharing in the industry
  • Inform investments to improve service delivery and decrease cost
  • Monitor trends and build a strong network

Financial health

Niagara's financial health can be measured, in part, by the level of taxation on residents and businesses, and by how competitive taxes are compared to other areas of the country.

This type of information is tracked through the Region's financial systems and through the annual BMA Municipal Study conducted on Ontario municipalities each year.

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