Regional Councillor Responsibilities
As an elected official, Regional Councillors have a number of responsibilities.
Councillors participate on Regional Council and Committees of the Whole, including Budget, to make decisions for Niagara Region.
They must participate on at least one of our Standing Committees, and are encouraged to participate in any number of Advisory or Steering Committees.
Regional Councillors are paid $42,623.88 per year, with an additional $2000 paid to chairs of our Standing Committees.
Councillors' salary is adjusted each year on Dec. 1.
Code of Conduct
Regional Council's Code of Conduct helps to ensure that members of council share a common basis for acceptable conduct in their roles as elected representatives.
Complaint procedure
To report behaviour or activity that violates the Code of Conduct, you can file a formal or informal complaint. This procedure is managed by the policies of Council, as amended from time to time.