Public Health and Social Services Minutes - Feb. 21, 2012



REPORT [3-2012]

Minutes of the Open Session portion of the meeting of the Public Health and Social Services Committee held in Committee Room 4, Regional Municipal Building, 2201 St. David's Road, Thorold, Ontario, on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 2:08 p.m.


Committee: Councillors Baty, Co-Chair; Greenwood, Co-Chair; Burroughs, Regional Chair; D'Angela; Diodati; Heit; Maves; Petrowski.
Staff: Mr. Trojan, Chief Administrative Officer; Dr. Jaeger, Medical Officer of Health (A); Ms. Chislett, Commissioner, Community Services; Ms. Reilly, Legislative Assistant.
Staff Other: Public Health: Mr. Hunter, Manager, Environmental Health.
Others: Lora Beckwith, General Manager, Niagara Regional Housing
Regrets: Councillors Katzman; Marshall; Rigby.


Pathstone Mental Health
Anti-Stigma Campaign

Ellis Katsoff, Chief Executive Officer, Pathstone Mental Health attended to provide an update on Niagara's Anti-Stigma Campaign. The launch of the campaign took place in the Niagara Region's atrium on February 15th with an introduction to the "Shatter the Stigma - Mend the Mind" Poster and website

Mr. Katsoff asked Committee and Council to support their campaign by:

  • Placing campaign posters throughout the Niagara Region facilities which will direct persons to their website
  • Place the "Shatter the Stigma Mend the Mind" campaign information on Niagara's website.
  • Attend the 2012 Hope Award event

The 2102 Hope Award event is to take place on Friday, June 8th, 2012 at Club Italia in Niagara Falls with key note speaker Henry Winkler. This year's recipient is Maurice Gomme. The award celebrates the outstanding contributions made to improve the lives of children and youth living with mental health problems.

Moved by Chair Burroughs
Seconded by Councillor Maves

That the presentation on the "Shatter the Stigma Mend the Mind" campaign be received.


Items for Information

Moved by Chair Burroughs
Seconded by Councillor Greenwood

That the following reports, correspondence and minute items be received for information:

PHD 09-2012 Enhanced Provincial Funding for Food Safety and Safe Water
PHSS 14-2012 Letter from D. H. Rapelje, Chair, Welland City Senior Citizens Advisory Committee regarding: Senior Friendly Hospital
PHSS 15-2012 Letter from James Alberding, Director, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (January 24, 2012) regarding the construction funding subsidy available under the Long-Term Care (LTC) Home Renewal Strategy.
PHSS 18-2012 Memorandum from Katherine Chislett, Commissioner, Corporate Services (February 21, 2012) regarding Long-Term Care Home Renewal Strategy (PHSS 15-2012)
PHSS 16-2012 Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario (February 2, 2012) regarding child care recruitment and retention strategy.
PHSS 17-2012 Jacquie Thrower, Confidential Secretary, Township of West Lincoln (January 25, 2012) advising of the West Lincoln Township Council's resolution respecting Smoke-Free Outdoor Spaces
NRH 1-2012 Niagara Regional Housing Quarterly Report to Council October 1, 2011 - December 31, 2012 Highlights
Minutes #107- Niagara Regional Housing Board of Directors Meeting of December 13, 2011


(Refer to Councillor Information Requests.)

Other Business

Drummond Report Recommendations

Councillor Maves inquired as to whether there was a consensus or new information with respect to the Drummond Report and its recommendations.

Mr. Trojan, CAO, advised that, as Chair of the Regional and Single Tier CAO's, he was invited to participate in a broader municipal working group coordinated by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) to provide input to the province and will keep Council informed of the group's analysis.

Members of Committee discussed the negative economic and social impacts on the Region pertaining to the report's recommendations, specifically with respect to casinos.

Moved by Councillor Heit
Seconded by Councillor D'Angela

That the Province of Ontario be requested to provide an Impact Study prior to any decisions made relating to lifting the moratorium on future casinos.


20. Welcome to Councillor Petrowski

Councillor Greenwood, Co-Chair, welcomed Councillor Petrowski to the Public Health and Social Services Committee. Councillor Petrowski was advised to contact Public Health if he is interested in attending a Public Health Orientation session.


Moved by Councillor D'Angela
Seconded by Councillor Greenwood

That the rules of procedure in the Procedural By-law be suspended in order to permit the participation of Ms. Beckwith, General Manager, Niagara Regional Housing for the portion of the Closed Session of the Public Health and Social Services Committee involving Confidential Report COM 05-2012 respecting Personal Information about an Identifiable Individual(s).


Moved by Councillor Diodati
Seconded by Councillor Petrowski

That this Committee do now meet in Closed Session for purposes of receiving information of a confidential nature relating to Personal Information about an Identifiable Individual(s).


The Committee moved into Closed Session at 11:30 a.m.

Open Session reconvened at 2:50 p.m.


That staff:

(i) Provide a link from the Regional website to the Pathstone Shatter the Stigma Mend the Mind Campaign. (Chair Burroughs) Refer to minute 17.

(ii) Post the 19 reports referred to in NRH 1-2012 on the website. (Councillor Petrowski) Refer to minute 18.

(iii) Prepare a standardized policy with respect to posting reports on the Regional website for all Agencies, Boards and Commissions (ABCs). (Councillor D'Angela) Refer to minute 18.


The Committee adjourned at 2:50 p.m. to meet again on March 6, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in C.R. 4.

Brian Baty
Gail Reilly
Legislative Assistant
Barbara Greenwood
Janet Pilon
Deputy Clerk
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