2025 Budget

Every year, Niagara Region staff review and analyze each department's budget and develop an overall Regional budget that meets the needs of residents in an affordable and sustainable way.

The annual budget outlines the money needed to fund programs and services for residents, as well as the long-term infrastructure needs of our communities.

Two budgets make up the overall annual budget.

  • Capital Budget pays for long-term assets, such as building new infrastructure and maintaining roads, water treatment plants, buildings and machinery. These are known as capital projects.
  • Operating Budget pays for the day-to-day expenses needed to deliver programs and services, such as child care, paramedics, police, seniors services and waste collection

During the summer and fall, we will share budget information and present budget recommendations to Niagara Regional Council. During this time, we will also engage with residents through our Budget Basics educational campaign.

In December, Council will vote to approve the 2025 budget.

Starting January 2025, residents will have access to an interactive budget reporting tool.

Learn more about how the Niagara Region budget works.

Key dates

September 12, 2024
Budget Review Committee of the Whole: Capital Budget

October 17, 2024
Budget Review Committee of the Whole: Waste Management and Niagara Transit Commission Special Tax Levies

November 7, 2024
Budget Review Committee of the Whole: Water and Wastewater Rates

November 14, 2024
Budget Review Committee of the Whole: Agencies, Boards and Commissions

November 21, 2024
Regional Council: Water and Wastewater Rates and Special Levy By-Laws

December 5, 2024
Budget Review Committee of the Whole: General Tax Levy

December 12, 2024
Niagara Regional Council: General Tax Levy, Capital and User Fee By-Laws

Budget newsletter

Get email updates twice a year on budget planning and engagement.

Video: Understanding the budget

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