Freezing Rain / Ice Storm
Freezing rain messages
Be aware of weather watches and warnings.
- Freezing rain warning: When freezing rain is expected to pose a hazard to transportation or property, or when freezing rain is expected for at least two hours. Plan ahead and avoid travel in potential storm events.
During freezing rain / ice storm
- Stay indoors and avoid parts of the building that objects such as overhanging branches may fall on
- Avoid going outside but if you must go outside, pay attention to high branches or wires that could break and fall
- Stay well away from downed or arching power lines and anything that has come in contact with them as hanging wires can be charged (live). Stay back at least 10 metres (33 feet) from wires and call 9-1-1.
- If it's safe to do so, check on vulnerable neighbours who may need help
- Avoid driving. Wait until roads are safe.