Visualizing a Complete Street
Queenston St. in St. Catharines was selected as the subject of a complete streets visioning workshop on Dec. 8, 2012. The purpose of the workshop was to engage local residents and interested persons on the subject of complete streets and how the concept could be applied.
Participants were provided with an overview of the project and were led on a walking tour of the study site. After the walking tour, participants worked in teams to discuss their vision for the street.
The collaborative visions for Queenston St. included:
- An improved pedestrian realm
- Two one-way bicycle paths
- Two traffic lanes with no impact on traffic movement
- Improved transit facilities
- On-street parking on the north side of the street
- Additional crosswalks
- Street-trees
- Patios on select properties
- Future private development
A more detailed overview of the vision and the workshop can be found in the workshop booklet.